List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10958 Breakthrough in biological control : An innovative way to keep disease in check promises to help clean up China's rice industry. biological control pesticides rice Wenquning sheath blight disease Bacillus subtilis : B-916 IRRI-Jiangsu biotech rice today

8336 Breastfeeding and complementary feeding knowledge and practices of mothers and nutritional status of young children among indigenous people in : Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro. Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro. indigenous people breastfeeding complementary feeding nutritional status

dela Vega, Ana Lorraine O.; Hurtada, Wilma A.; Talavera, Ma. Theresa M.; Dizon, Josefina T.

serials journal of human ecology

12982 Breathing new life into Davao: A UPLB Campus shapes up in the 'heart of agriculture' UP Professional School for Agriculture and the Environment (UP PSAE) new Davao UP campus

Laking, Jimmy

serials agriculture magazine

4929 Breeding African Lovebirds : A profitable obsession. A profitable obsession. Birds : Animal genetics and breeding

Emnas, Joseph

serials agriculture

2834 Breeding and feeding pigs in Vietnam: Assessment of capacity building and an update on impacts. pig production animal breeding feeding impact assessment capacity building

Fisher, Hayden; Gordon, Jenny

book impact assessment series 52

974 Breeding and improvement of farm animals dog horse goats sheep swine beef cattle animal husbandry livestocks progeny testing population genetics animal breeding dairy cattle milk composition artificial insemination genetics reproductive process inbreeding outbreeding progeny testing

Warwick, Everett J.; Legates, James Edward


3497 Breeding for freezing-tolerance in orchardgrass and meadow fescue Plant breeding Dactylis glomerata

Hisaaki Daido

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15232 Breeding for quantitative traits in plants plant breeding; genetics; breeding populations; variation; heterosis; hybrid prediction

Bernardo, Rex


983 Breeding for resistance to infectious diseases in small ruminants sheep ruminants genetic variation genetic resistance viruses bacteria parasites nematode parasites animal breeding small ruminants

Gray, G.D.; Woolaston, R.R.; Eaton, B.T.

book aciar monograph series no.34

4732 Breeding of a blast resistant multiline variety of rice, Sasanishiki BL. plant breeding multiline variety blast resistance

Shinzo Abe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)