ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7954 | Blood glucose level and cross-sucking behaviour by different rearing systems in group housed calves. | dairy calves organic farming group-housing blood glucose level cross-sucking | Ude, Gracia; Goerg, Heiko; Schwalm, Anja |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
11986 | Blood gonadotropic activity in carabao heifers during the estrous cycle | animal science carabao heifers estrous cycle | Weerasak Wongsrikeao |
theses |
5692 | Blue lagoons on pig farms? : A new waste-handling system can make it a reality. | A new waste-handling system can make it a reality. | swine wastewater treatment system calcium phosphates | serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
16425 | Blue swimming crab hatcheries enhance catch of coastal fisherfolk | Portunus pelagicus; blue swimming crab; culture; reproduction; catching; Philippines | Guerrero, Rafael D. III |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2501 | Blue-green algae and rice. | rice blue-green algae physiology nitrogen fixation algalization pesticides soil properties evolution land preparation | Roger, P.A.; Kulasooriya, S.A. |
book |
8281 | Blueprint for a greener revolution. | Global Rice Science Partnership rice rice productivity | Dobermann, Achim |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10491 | Blueprint for your library marketing plan: A guide to help you survive and thrive. | library marketing plan | Fisher, Patricia H.; Pride, Marseille M. |
purch |
1013 | Bluetongue disease in Southeast Asia and the Pacific | ruminants bluetongue animal diseases epidemiology entomology virology serology pathogenesis vaccine disease control | St. George, T.D.; Peng Kegao |
book | aciar proceedings no.66 |
12515 | Body condition score and calf management in dairy production. | dairy production calf management body condition score dairy cattle whole milk milk replacer calf starter roughage feeding management | Latino Gastao Dos Santos Coimbra |
theses |
7526 | Body Measurements of Male Kamphaengsaen Beef Cattle as Parameters for Estimation of Live Weight. | Kamphaengsaen cattle body weight estimation linear measurement | Suriya Sawanon; Phoompong Boonsaen; Preecha Innuruk |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |