List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7954 Blood glucose level and cross-sucking behaviour by different rearing systems in group housed calves. dairy calves organic farming group-housing blood glucose level cross-sucking

Ude, Gracia; Goerg, Heiko; Schwalm, Anja

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

11986 Blood gonadotropic activity in carabao heifers during the estrous cycle animal science carabao heifers estrous cycle

Weerasak Wongsrikeao


5692 Blue lagoons on pig farms? : A new waste-handling system can make it a reality. A new waste-handling system can make it a reality. swine wastewater treatment system calcium phosphates serials the philippine agriculture magazine

16425 Blue swimming crab hatcheries enhance catch of coastal fisherfolk Portunus pelagicus; blue swimming crab; culture; reproduction; catching; Philippines

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

2501 Blue-green algae and rice. rice blue-green algae physiology nitrogen fixation algalization pesticides soil properties evolution land preparation

Roger, P.A.; Kulasooriya, S.A.


8281 Blueprint for a greener revolution. Global Rice Science Partnership rice rice productivity

Dobermann, Achim

serials agriculture magazine

10491 Blueprint for your library marketing plan: A guide to help you survive and thrive. library marketing plan

Fisher, Patricia H.; Pride, Marseille M.


1013 Bluetongue disease in Southeast Asia and the Pacific ruminants bluetongue animal diseases epidemiology entomology virology serology pathogenesis vaccine disease control

St. George, T.D.; Peng Kegao

book aciar proceedings no.66

12515 Body condition score and calf management in dairy production. dairy production calf management body condition score dairy cattle whole milk milk replacer calf starter roughage feeding management

Latino Gastao Dos Santos Coimbra


7526 Body Measurements of Male Kamphaengsaen Beef Cattle as Parameters for Estimation of Live Weight. Kamphaengsaen cattle body weight estimation linear measurement

Suriya Sawanon; Phoompong Boonsaen; Preecha Innuruk

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science