ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11046 | Biotechnology overview : Principles, concepts, and applications. | biotechnology plant breeding food security DNA technology biosafety genetic engineering plasmid genetically modified organisms : GMO genetically modified food transgenic crops | Raymundo, Asuncion K. |
biotech |
1074 | Biotechnology priorities, planning, and policies: A framework for decision making | Biotechnology Planning Policies Decision making Technology transfer Research policy | Cohen, J.L. |
book | isnar research report no.6 |
11340 | Biotechnology processed mushrooms a hit. | Dr. Edmond Mendoza (BDMPC Consultant) Mr. Benigno Espinosa (farmer-member) Fernando Lopez (BDMPC Executive Committee Chairman) BIBA-DIWA Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BDMPC) spawning technology transfer agricultural waste pollution biotechnology mushrooms edible fungi home-grown edible mushrooms volvarela banana mushroom culture mushroom production income Malasiqui, Pangasinan Northern Luzon nutritional intake | Galvez, Joe |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
8217 | Biotechnology product development partnerships: Emerging institutional capacities in East Africa. | biotechnology east africa | Komen, John; Bananuka, John; Mugoya, Charles; Virgin, Ivar |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
11286 | Biotechnology research and development in the Philippines. | biotechnology biodiversity intellectual property rights transgenic crops agrobacterium Bt corn animal biotechnology biosafety | Cardenas, Danilo C. |
biotech |
3803 | Biotechnology research yields high-value products from coconut oil. | Coconut oil lipase specialty fats medium chain triglyceride monoglyceride | Anonas, Framelia V. |
serials | agriculture |
11252 | Biotechnology school-on-the-air in region 02 | biotechnology food production biological conservation Region 2 | biotech |
11028 | Biotechnology seen providing solutions to food, health issues | biotechnology gene transfer DNA | Belleza, Arnold E. |
biotech | bussiness world |
11487 | Biotechnology to benefit small-scale banana producers in Kenya. | biotechnology tissue culture Kenya KARI banana technology transfer biodiversity capacity-building | biotech |
11035 | Biotechnology to provide RP with benefits. | biotechnology genetically engineered crops transgenic crops Bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt Philippines | biotech | business world |