ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
700 | Biotechnology for crop protection - its potential for developing countries | biotechnology crop protection plant breeding pesticides transgenic rice maize Trichogramma pheromones intellectual property rights weevil resistance | Richter, Jurgen; Huber, J.; Schuler, B. (eds.) |
book |
10718 | Biotechnology for developing country agriculture : Developing appropriate policies. | Developing appropriate policies. | biotechnology policies agricultural research intellectual property rights ecological risk food safety biosafety | Per Pinstrup-Andersen |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 05-02 |
10717 | Biotechnology for developing country agriculture : Disentangling risk issues. | Disentangling risk issues. | biotechnology genetic engineering food security | Leisinger, Klaus |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 05-02 |
10719 | Biotechnology for developing country agriculture : problems and opportunities : Research policy and management issues. | Research policy and management issues. | biotechnology policies intellectual property rights biosafety | Cohen, Joel I.; Falconi, Cesar; Komen, John |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 05-02 |
10720 | Biotechnology for developing country agriculture : problems and opportunities : The role of the private sector. | The role of the private sector. | biotechnology crop biotechnology intellectual property rights biosafety food safety transgenic production | James, Clive; Krattiger, Anatole |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 05-02 |
11493 | Biotechnology for green energy: biofuels | biotechnology biofuels bioethanol biodiesel Brazil Bt cotton socio-economic commercializition global climate food production transportation | biotech | pocket k |
5300 | Biotechnology for rice improvement. | rice biotechnology rice improvement hybrid rice production genetic engineering salt tolerance pest resistance transgenic rice marker-aided breeding TGMS anther culture genetic transformation cloning bacterial leaf blight tungro | Aldemita, R.R.; Desamero, N.V.; Solis, R.O.; Romero, G.O.; Tabien, R.E.; Tiongco, E.R.; Redoña, E.D. |
serials | philrice technical bulletin |
10748 | Biotechnology Forum : Proceedings of the Multi-sectoral Conference on Biotechnology | Proceedings of the Multi-sectoral Conference on Biotechnology / | biotechnology biosafetyt crops biotechnology genetically modified organisms GMOs living modified organisms LMOs genetic engineering gene ecological risks | biotech | pcarrd summary of proceedings no. 7 |
11032 | Biotechnology improves farm yields. | biotechnology herbicide resistance gene transfer CGIAR Rockefeller Foundation China Asia drought resistance | Maguilas, Armand |
biotech | philippine journal |
11490 | Biotechnology in agriculture : A lot more than just GM crops | A lot more than just GM crops / | biotechnology genetically modified crops plant breeding mutation breeding seed technology tissue culture Africa Kenya biopesticides biofertilizers microbial fermentation DNA RNA plant disease metabolomics proteomics genomics transgenic crops crop production molecular breeding genetic engineering | biotech |