ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2980 | Biomass utilization in tropical Asia: Past, present and future : Transforming lives and landscapes with trees. | Acacia mangium Tectona grandis oil palm empty fruit bunches lignocellulose-based composites binderless patricleboard engineered wood wood properties | book |
6753 | Biomass, growth and productivity of seagrass; enhalus acoroides (linn. f) in Khung Kraben bay, Chanthaburi, Thailand. | seagrass biomass productivity Enhalus acoroides | Tritep Vichkovitten |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
2812 | Biomass: Sustainable natural resource and innovation for a greener future : Proceedings of 4th USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium, 18-20th January 2011, Penang, Malaysia. | energy resources biocomposites lignocellolose biopolymers polyurethane particleboard solvolysis liquefaction kenaf lignin phytoremediation | Tomoko, Sugimoto; Leh Cheu Peng (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 73 |
7861 | Biomethanol production from various forms of biomass: Utilization of forage grasses, trees and crop residues. | biomethanol biomass renewable energy Japan | Nakagawa, Hitoshi; Harada, Toshirou; Ichinose, Toshimitsu; Matsumoto, Shinji; Takeno, Keiji; Sakai, Masayasu |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 618 |
6560 | Bionomics of entomopathogenic nematode steinernema siamkayai stock, somsook and reid (n.sp.) and its efficacy against helicoverpa armigera hubner : (lepidoptera: noctuidae). | entomopathogenic nematode steinernema siamkayai melicoverpa armigera | Patchareewan Chongchitmate; Vacharee Somsook; Praparat Hormchan; Niphon Visarathanonth |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11777 | Bionomics of the cotton flowerweevil Amorphoidea lata Motschulsky (Coleoptera: curculionidae) | entomology Amorphoidea lata Coleoptera Curculionidae Cotton Philippines | David, Rustico G. |
theses |
12910 | Biopesticide found to control Fusarium wilt in tomato, other veggies | Fusarium wilt disease WiltCure Fusarium wilt control callus potato callus microbe co-culture | Yap, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12923 | Biopesticide is also a fertilizer | Durabloom liquid bio-organic foliar fertilizer | serials | agriculture magazine |
9373 | Biopesticide to protect selected crops against pests and diseases. | organic farming pesticides pathogens biopesticides | Yap, Julio P. Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10581 | Biopesticides: Pest management and regulation. | natural pesticides agricultural pests pest management regulation | Bailey, Alastair; Chandler, David; Grant, Wyn P.; Greaves, Justin; Prince, Gillian; Tatchell, Mark |
purch |