ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3223 | Biological parameters, body length-weight and length-height relationship for various species in Greek waters | fisheries | Stergiou, K.I.; Politou, C.Y. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
1330 | Biological pest control in systems of integrated pest management : Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". | Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". | entomopathogeic nematodes microbial control pests of plants peanut sweet potato turfgrass integrated pest management | book | fftc book series no.47 |
12419 | Biological responses of inhaling gas and particulate matter from biomass burning on the respiratory system of rats. | animal physiology rats biomass burning white blood cells hematocrit immunoglobulin mucus concentration histology morphometric analysis alveolar macrophage | Slamet Widiyanto |
theses |
8942 | Biological systems for high-value crops. | crops vegetables fruits biological crops pollination systems | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15679 | Biological treatment of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre for Volvariella volvacea (Bul.) Singer cultivation and spent utilization | oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre; Volvariella volvacea; effective microorganisms; energy potential evaluation; yield production; spent mushroom compost | Noor Azrimi bin Umor |
theses |
2686 | Biology and bio-resource management in our life : Proceedings of the NAST Social Sciences Division Roundtable Discussions on Biology as Destiny? I and II, and Bio-Resource Management and Our Common Future?. | social science biology bio-resource management | Concepcion, Mercedes B. (ed.) |
book |
11948 | Biology and control of water lettuce (Pistis stratiotes L.) | agricultural botany water lettuce Pistia stratiotes | Thawil Bua-ngam |
theses |
11741 | Biology and control of white root disease of Hevea rubber caused by Rigidoporus lignosus (Klotzsch) Imazeki | white root Hevea rubber Rigidoporus lignosus Malaysia Philippines | Danlag, Expedito E. |
theses |
936 | Biology and ecology of mangroves | mangroves nomenclature mangrove forests fishes Albinism oil spills sewage pollution cryptovivipary | Teas, H.J. (ed.) |
book | tasks for vegetation science, 8 |
12011 | Biology and ecology of the Buffalo fly, Haematobia exigua de Meijere (Diptera: Muscidae) | entomology Biology ecology buffalo fly Haematobia exigua | Franciscus Xaverius Kusharto |
theses |