List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3223 Biological parameters, body length-weight and length-height relationship for various species in Greek waters fisheries

Stergiou, K.I.; Politou, C.Y.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

1330 Biological pest control in systems of integrated pest management : Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". entomopathogeic nematodes microbial control pests of plants peanut sweet potato turfgrass integrated pest management book fftc book series no.47

12419 Biological responses of inhaling gas and particulate matter from biomass burning on the respiratory system of rats. animal physiology rats biomass burning white blood cells hematocrit immunoglobulin mucus concentration histology morphometric analysis alveolar macrophage

Slamet Widiyanto


8942 Biological systems for high-value crops. crops vegetables fruits biological crops pollination systems

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

15679 Biological treatment of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre for Volvariella volvacea (Bul.) Singer cultivation and spent utilization oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre; Volvariella volvacea; effective microorganisms; energy potential evaluation; yield production; spent mushroom compost

Noor Azrimi bin Umor


2686 Biology and bio-resource management in our life : Proceedings of the NAST Social Sciences Division Roundtable Discussions on Biology as Destiny? I and II, and Bio-Resource Management and Our Common Future?. social science biology bio-resource management

Concepcion, Mercedes B. (ed.)


11948 Biology and control of water lettuce (Pistis stratiotes L.) agricultural botany water lettuce Pistia stratiotes

Thawil Bua-ngam


11741 Biology and control of white root disease of Hevea rubber caused by Rigidoporus lignosus (Klotzsch) Imazeki white root Hevea rubber Rigidoporus lignosus Malaysia Philippines

Danlag, Expedito E.


936 Biology and ecology of mangroves mangroves nomenclature mangrove forests fishes Albinism oil spills sewage pollution cryptovivipary

Teas, H.J. (ed.)

book tasks for vegetation science, 8

12011 Biology and ecology of the Buffalo fly, Haematobia exigua de Meijere (Diptera: Muscidae) entomology Biology ecology buffalo fly Haematobia exigua

Franciscus Xaverius Kusharto
