List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8530 Biofertilzer works wonders for coconut. coconut biofertilizer mykovam

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

8025 Biofuel laws in Asia: Instruments for energy access, security, environmental protection and rural empowerment. India biofuel Philippines Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Japan China

Ram Mohan, M.P.; Thomas Phillipe, G.T.; Shiju, M.V.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11445 Biofuel opens new doors for agriculture. biotechnology feedstock biomass sources Jatropha oil palm coconut biofuel biodiesel production renewable sources ethanol high-octane renewable fuel sugarcane corn cassava ethanol production USA Brazil biotech greenfields magazine

8026 Biofuels and WTO: An emerging context. biofuels energy

Deshpande, R.S.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

10438 Biofuels from Philippine plants. biofuels plants

Fernandez, Elvira C.; Crizaldo, Enrique N.; Tizon, Babylyn U.


9625 Biofuels in Asia : An Analysis of Sustainability Options. biofuels carbon dioxide crude palm oil greenhouse gas coconut biodiesel pure plant oil straight vegetable oil volatile organic chemicals cd

16073 Biofuels in Asia: An analysis of sustainability options clean energy program; biodiversity impacts; policy brief; biofuels

Calumpang, Lorna M.

serials searca policy brief series 2009-3

8022 Biofuels in South Asia: An overview. biofuels pongemia pennata jatropha curcas

Raju, K.V.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

6047 Biofungicide trichoderma guarantees lower crop losses, production cost. Trichoderma biological fungicide crop losses

Biag, Hanah Hazel Mavi

serials agriculture magazine

3947 Biogas and fertilizer from farm wastes. Composting technique biogas fertilizers serials agriculture