List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1787 Biodiversity conservation and the community. biodiversity endemism protected areas environmental impact assessment NIPAP conflict management nongovernmental organizations ecosystems ethnic communities

Simpson, S.; Bugna, S.

book essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 1

14000 Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) report 2006-2011 biodiversity; ecosystem fragmentation; economic development; impact assessments; social and human assets; natural assets; physical assets; financial assets; natural resources; ecosystem services valuation; investment; Greater Mekong Subregion; Cambodia; China; Lao PDR: Thailand; Vietnam

Moinuddin, Hasan; Pokhrel, Sumit; Jiao Xi; Lothar, Linde; Fraser, Alastair; Botengan, Mary Ann


2705 Biodiversity conservation in certified forests. biodiversity conservation standards certification monitoring forest management REDD+

Sheil, Douglas; Putz, Francis E.; Zagt, Roderick J. (eds.)


15637 Biodiversity conservation in China biodiversity conservation; ecological conservation; ex-situ conservation; biosecurity governance; endangered species; GMO; pollution control; green development; urban and rural development; international exchanges and cooperation

The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China


403 Biodiversity conservation in the Asia and Pacific Region: constraints and opportunities biodiversity conservation biological diversity legal issues book

8315 Biodiversity enhancement on arable land: The effects of local management and landscape context. ecosystem services agriculture local habitat type landscape heterogeneity conservation agri-environment schemes land use invertebrates

Heard, Matthew S.; Carvell, Claire; Pywell, Richard; Woodcock, Ben

serials fftc extension bulletin 632

14964 Biodiversity for food and agriculture and ecosystem services - ; Thematic Study for The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture biodiversity; ecosystem services; foods; agriculture; natural resources weblinks

1122 Biodiversity for national survival: The role of the Biotans biodiversity conservation

Sajise, Percy E.


4956 Biodiversity loss in Sumatra, Indonesia : Vegetation fires: cause or symptom?. Vegetation fires: cause or symptom?. Vegetation fires forest cover myths biodiversity loss Indonesia

Bowen, M. Roderick; Borger, Bert H.

serials asean biodiversity

14986 Biodiversity mainstreaming: a review of current theory and practice biodiversity mainstreaming; theories; spatial and land use planning; sustainable production systems; valuation; ecosystem services; policy; co-benefits; trade offs

Smith, Jessica; Bass, Steve; Roe, Dilys
