List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8275 Bio-organic fertilizer, sweet sorghum vinegar reduce pest incidence in crops. sweet sorghum bio-organic fertilizer vinegar pests of plants sweet sorghum vinegar serials agriculture magazine

10428 Bio-statistics. polymorphism species abundance bats Markov Population Model Epithelia silico Gamma oscillations genomes

Singh, Ronald (ed.)


6066 BIOACT WG promotes root development, increases yield of banana. banana Paecilomyces lilacinus root development yield chitinase BioAct WG

Capuno, Fritzie; Philip, Graeme

serials agriculture magazine

12336 Bioactive compounds from ploiarium alternifolium (theaceae) and calophyllum mucigerum (guttiferae). natural products bioactive compound Ploiarium alternifolium Calophyllum mucigerum

Ng Kim Nee


12708 Bioactivity of three essential oils and crude extracts against maize weevil complex, Sitophilus spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) essential oils crude extracts maize weevil complex citronella langkauas contact toxicity botanical insecticides admixture treatment repellent patchouli

Win Myint Thein


7904 Bioavailability and safety issues of heavy metals in paddy soil-rice continuum in Korea. bioavailability heavy metal communication paddy soils rice Cd uptake model

Kim, Won I.; et. al.

serials fftc extension bulletin 597

9134 Bioavailability of dietary carotenoids: Intestinal absorption and metabolism. food antioxidant bioaccessibility B-carotene carotenoid lutein

Akihiko Nagao

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9110 Biochar and compostization: Maximization of carbon sequestration with mitigating GHG emission in farmlands. soils carbon sequestration GHG emission

Yoshizawa Shuji; Satoko Tanaka

serials fftc technical bulletin 196

3221 Biochemical and morphometric approaches to characterize farmed Tilapias Tilapia

Eknath, A.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

11575 Biochemical and nutritional changes in fermented rice-shrimp (Macrorachium idella) mixture (Balao-balao). nutritional changes fermented rice-shrimp Macrorachium idella Balao-balao Thailand

Parichart Vatana
