List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10611 Biochemistry. carbohydrates lipids proteins enzymes nucleic acids biochemical energy production metabolism

Stephen Stoker, H.


9977 Biochemistry. biochemistry water acids bases energy nucleic acids proteins carbohydrates lipids enzymes metabolism citric acid cycle photosynthesis nitrogen cycle nucleotide metabolism replication information restructuring DNA RNA eukaryotic genes

Mathews, Christopher K.; van Holde, K.E.; Ahern, Kevin G


11369 Biocommerce pick up stride. bioindustries mushrooming solid waste biotechnology biofertilizers pharmaceutical industries biodiversity sustainable agriculture poverty alleviation transgenic crops genetically modified organisms (GMO) food security sustainable development nanotechnology genomics communication technology information technology cosmetic industries BioWise UNESCO United Nations Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Small Firm Merit Award for Research and Technology (SMART) SMEs Kenya Uganda Africa United Kingdom Thailand China tissue culture

Salvador, Roja

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

7263 Biocontrol of rice insect pests. rice insect pests biological control natural enemies pesticides augmentation parasitoids predators pathogens bacteria

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

8230 Bioconversion energy technologies: Catalysts for bioeconomical development in the ASEAN region. bioenergy bioconversion technologies ASEAN countries biofuels

Abdullah, Kamaruddin

serials asian biotechnology and development review

7548 Biodegradation of Lignin in Oil Palm Fronds by White Rot Fungi. lignin oil palm fronds white rot fungi ligninolytic enzymes laccase

Penpaka Namoolnoy; Sivawan Phoolphundh; Aporn Wongwicharn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15409 Biodigesters and green productivity: a sustainable approach to clean cooking biogas; methane gas production process; biogas plants; benefits; polyethylene biodigesters; biofertilizers

Bhowmick, Shuvasish

weblinks productivity insights, vol.3-2

11194 Biodiversity adds value. rice biodiversity glutinous rice pathogens IRRI biotech rice today

2354 Biodiversity and global change: Social issues and scientific challenges. biodiversity sustainable development conservation global change marine biodiversity

Barbault, Robert; Chevassus-au-Louis, Bernard


2996 Biodiversity and livelihoods : REDD-plus benefits. forests mitigation and adaptation biodiversity REDD-plus ecosystem adaptation book