List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9624 Best Practices for Education and Training of Rural Youth : Lessons from Asia. youth organization rural youth education and training programs rural development food security poverty farm youth livelihood group dynamics cd

13208 Best practices in handling wild yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst.) wild yam; Dioscorea hispida; uses; medicine; handling serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 84

2875 Best practices in rural poverty alleviation: Agro-Asian experiences : Report of the international workshop held at Cairo, Egypt on 26-31 May 2008. poverty alleviation rural development book

13720 Best practices of agri-entrepreneurs in the Philippines agri-entrepreneurship; agribusiness; agriculture; youth

Baticados, Glenn N.


15404 Best practices of secondary level Alternative Delivery Modes (ADMs) in Southeast Asia - A case study of the open high school program in the Philippines K to 12; education program; curriculum; high school; Philippines book

2965 Best practices on rural development and poverty alleviation in CIRDAP member countries (CMCs). rural development, poverty alleviation, sufficiency economy, National Solidarity Programme, book

1691 Best practices using indigenous knowledge. indigenous knowledge poverty alleviation sustainable development

Boven, Karin; Morohashi, Jun (eds.)


7106 Best rice seed picks for the uplands. upland rice rice seeds rice varieties

Manalo, Jaime A. IV

serials agriculture magazine

9084 Better evaluation for poultry vaccines. poultry vaccines chickens virulent strains

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine

4381 Better rootstocks for sturdier citrus. rootstocks Phytophthora Diaprepes root weevil propagation materials citrus tristeza virus serials agriculture