List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9102 Beekeeping series : Part 2 - The common honey producing bees in the Philippines. bees beekeeping Apis dorsata Apis cerana Tetragonula spp.

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

9203 Beekeeping series : Part 3 - The Mileas Bee Farm's way of propagating native honey bees. Apis mellifera Apis cerana Tetragonula spp. propagated bees Italian honey bees colony bar hives native honey bees

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

9222 Beekeeping series : Part 4 - Products and by-products which can be made out of honeycombs. honey bee pollen bee propolis beeswax honey cider vinegar queen bees Apis mellifera

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

9237 Beekeeping series : Part 5 - Products which can be derived from beekeeping. NatSoda honey lollipop flavored honey honey propolis shampoo soap honey hair and body wash lemongrass honey facial wash lipbalm lip cream baby balm healing balm hair care products propolis extract propolis foaming feminine wash propolis soap propolis cream throat spray concealer stick

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

13495 Beema bamboo: Health enhancer and clean energy producer bamboo; Beema; tissue culture; uses; nursery

Urlanda, Randy V.

serials agriculture magazine

995 Bees, beekeeping, honey and pollination bees honey bee industry colony nutrition hive products pollination animal diseases beekeepers

Gojmerac, Walter L.


8065 Beginning science teachers' concern: survival vs professionalism. science teachers survival professionalism

Dhindsa, Harkirat S.; Lourdusamy, A.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5474 Beginnings of corporate-supported agriculture: The Dow Chemical Paci Ltd. and family farm school experience. Family Farm School farming serials the philippine agriculture magazine

11577 Behavior and availability of ammonium in flooded soils. ammonium flooded soils Thailand

Mongkorn Somsud


2112 Behavior in organizations: A systems approach to managing. organizational behavior organization motivation perception communication intergroup relationships leadership manager organizational planning

Huse, Edgar F.; Bowditch, James L.
