ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14936 | Bank employee turned an empty wall into a productive vertical vegetable garden | vertical vegetable garden; ornamental plants; vegetables | Medenilla, Vina |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9623 | Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperates (BAAC) Resplendency. | rural development bank agriculture credit rural development farmers | cd |
7712 | Banking and financial sector reforms in Vietnam. | finance banking institutional reforms macroeconomic turbulence prudential supervision | Suiwah Leung |
serials | asean economic bulletin |
8504 | Banking on plants as storehouses. | plants tomatoes silverleaf whitefly | O'Brien, Dennis |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13658 | Banking on the future of Asia and the Pacific - 50 Years of the Asian Development Bank | Asian Development Bank; history; establishment; leadership; development agenda | McCawley, Peter |
book |
2060 | Banning slash-and-burn is impractical and impossible, says Agricultural Research Consortium : Alternative technologies and policies are needed to control smoke from fires. | slash and burn smoke fire el niño Indonesia | book |
4346 | Barako brewed coffee blend in filter bags. | coffee beverages filter bags | Papa, A.G. |
serials | agriculture |
4658 | Barangay Tulong, Urdaneta City: The milk capital of Pangasinan. | cooperatives dairy industry milk production income milk yields Pangasinan Philippines | serials | agriculture |
130 | BARC formation: lessons and experiences | Philippines land reform agricultural policies CARP BARC | Javier, Filomena A.; Joano, P. SV; Antolin, M. dF. |
book | iast occasional papers series no.37 |
6652 | Barley net blotch (pyrenophora teres drechsl.) epidemiology and management. | hordeum vulgare drechslera teres AUDP | Bekele Hundie; Somsiri Sangchote; Ed Sarobol |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |