ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16051 | Balancing livelihood and conservation in a biodiversity hotspot | biodiversity; conservation; flora and fauna; Mt. Malindang | Briones, Nicomedes D.; Arboleda, Leah P. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2006-3 |
10938 | Balancing needs for productivity and sustainability : Genetic engineering of rice at IRRI. | Genetic engineering of rice at IRRI. | biotechnology transgenic rice biodiversity genetic engineering IRRI biosafety Xanthomonas oryzae genetic engineering Agrobacterium stress resistance | Bennett, John |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11221 | Balancing needs for productivity and sustainability genetic engineering of rice at IRRI. | biotechnology transgenic rice biodiversity Agrobacterium intellectual property rights : IPR genetic engineering IRRI | Bennet, John |
biotech |
13441 | Balik Scientist Act approved in bicam final reading | scientist; Balik Scientist Act; Senate Bill 1533 | Marfal, Allan Mauro V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7166 | Balimbing: A fruit with myriad uses. | Averrhoa carambola star fruit balimbing fruits uses beverages jelly potassium oxalate polishing metals dyeing medicinal value | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5390 | Ballast water management and control: An overview. | ballast water shipping transports Asterias amurensis North Pacific Seastar Dreisseina polymorpha European Zebra Mussel Comb Jellyfish Mnemiopsis leidyi dinoflagellates species introduction | Pughiuc, Dandu |
serials | tropical coasts |
2611 | Balsa: biology, production and economics in Papua New Guinea. | Ochroma pyramidale Balsa trees plantations wood tariff codes exports market growers harvesting log grading | Midgley, Stephen; Blyth, Michael; Howcroft, Neville; Midgley, Dao; Brown, Alan |
book | aciar technical reports no. 73 |
2094 | Bamboo 2000: Proceedings of the international symposium by Royal Project Foundation, Chiangmai, Thailand, 2-4 Auhust 2000 | bamboo plantations utilization industry technology in situ conservation clonal selection micropropagation stock quality field performance gas exchange vascular bundles rearing techniques silviculture growth performance culms | book |
8889 | Bamboo is no longer the poor man's timber. | bamboo | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12931 | Bamboo planting eyed in Aklan for skills building | bamboo planting training bamboo bamboo shoots | serials | agriculture magazine |