List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2060 Banning slash-and-burn is impractical and impossible, says Agricultural Research Consortium : Alternative technologies and policies are needed to control smoke from fires. slash and burn smoke fire el niño Indonesia book

4346 Barako brewed coffee blend in filter bags. coffee beverages filter bags

Papa, A.G.

serials agriculture

4658 Barangay Tulong, Urdaneta City: The milk capital of Pangasinan. cooperatives dairy industry milk production income milk yields Pangasinan Philippines serials agriculture

130 BARC formation: lessons and experiences Philippines land reform agricultural policies CARP BARC

Javier, Filomena A.; Joano, P. SV; Antolin, M. dF.

book iast occasional papers series no.37

6652 Barley net blotch (pyrenophora teres drechsl.) epidemiology and management. hordeum vulgare drechslera teres AUDP

Bekele Hundie; Somsiri Sangchote; Ed Sarobol

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15900 Barriers to Filipino women’s political participation women; political participation; government positions; Philippines

Encinas-Franco, Jean; Laguna, Elma

book up cids discussion paper series 2023-01

12008 Barrio associations as communication channels between service agencies and rice farmers in Pila, Laguna development development Barrio associations communication channels service agencies rice farmers Pila

Pira Chirasopone


11960 Barrio-based farmers' organizations and agricultural development in selected social laboratory pilot centers in the Philippines. agricultural education agricultural development social laboratory Philippines

Aragones, Santos G.


7494 Basal Steroid Hormone Profiles and Reproductive Organ Development of the Native and Commercial Laying Hens in Different States of Egg Production. steroid hormones native hen commercial laying hen ovary oviduct

Ratana Chotesangasa; Supaporn Isriyodom; Nirat Gongruttananun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5404 BASEL Protocol on liability and compensation. hazardous wastes import export damages liabilities

Gorre, I.R.

serials tropical coasts