List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2691 Bamboo production in the Philippines. bamboo industry production bamboo processing inflorescence species propagation methods plantation establishment bamboo shoot production growth yield harvesting techniques germplasm

Virtucio, Felizardo D.; Roxas, Cristina A.


4340 Bamboo shoot: Food for all season. bamboo shoots food chemical composition serials agriculture

6224 Bamboo wastes make an excellent charcoal briquette. bamboo wastes charcoal

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

7090 Bamboo: The grass of hope. bamboo export uses

Tacio, Henrylito

serials agriculture magazine

5434 Banana bunchy top. viruses banana plant diseases banana bunchy top disease control serials the philippine agriculture magazine

4402 Banana export demand is up. banana export Cavendish exporters plant diseases serials agriculture

12754 Banana farmers' perceptions and behaviors towards sustainable agriculture in the Vietnam uplands. sustainable agriculture; perceptions; banana production

Nguyen Van Thanh


13409 Banana harvesting tip: Don't cut the trunk close to the ground banana serials

12755 Banana homogenate, coconut water, peptone and auxins as nutrient supplements in the in vitro culture of Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis ovules. culture medium, homogenate, peptone levels, coconut, sucrose, germination, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis, ovules, peptone,

Pages, Paulina D.


846 Banana propagation by shoot culture shoot culture banana propagation clonal propagation culture media fertilizer application economic returns

Magnaye, Lydia V..; Zamora, Alfinetta B.; Escobido, Encarnacion O.

book pcarrd technology