List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14273 Best friends from Australia came back to the Philippines to farm for the people mushroom growing; business

Necessario, Nikky

serials agriculture magazine

13680 Best management practices for corn-after-corn production corn production; hybrid selection; crop residues; diseases; soil fertility; nitrogen; weed management; rotation effect

Fin, Lowella

serials agriculture magazine

6170 Best management practices for corn-after-corn production. corn hybrid selection residues plant diseases soil fertility nitrogen weed management crop rotation

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

2247 Best practice notes on small- and medium-sized enterprises support. small and medium enterprises policies taxation accounting labor policies monitoring commercial credit corporate banking financial institutions credit leasing lending market assessment promotion mechanisms book

1874 Best practices for education and training of rural youth -- Lessons from Asia. rural youth education training internship program farmers organizations Philippines Thailand Japan

Mancebo, S.T.; Tuquero, FM.L.; Hazelman, S.M. (eds.)


9624 Best Practices for Education and Training of Rural Youth : Lessons from Asia. youth organization rural youth education and training programs rural development food security poverty farm youth livelihood group dynamics cd

13208 Best practices in handling wild yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst.) wild yam; Dioscorea hispida; uses; medicine; handling serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 84

2875 Best practices in rural poverty alleviation: Agro-Asian experiences : Report of the international workshop held at Cairo, Egypt on 26-31 May 2008. poverty alleviation rural development book

13720 Best practices of agri-entrepreneurs in the Philippines agri-entrepreneurship; agribusiness; agriculture; youth

Baticados, Glenn N.


15404 Best practices of secondary level Alternative Delivery Modes (ADMs) in Southeast Asia - A case study of the open high school program in the Philippines K to 12; education program; curriculum; high school; Philippines book