ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4735 | Biosafety assessment of transgenic plants in the greenhouse and the field - A case study of transgenic cucumber. | biotechnology plant breeding chitinase transgenic plants cucumber biosafety assessment | Yasunori Koga-Ban; Yutaka Tabei; Masao Ishimoto |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
8029 | Biosafety capacity building in developing countries: Evidence from India. | Biosafety capacity building developing countries India | Hota, Manoranjan |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
10821 | Biosafety capacity building in support of the papaya biotechnology network of SEA : Introduction and overview. | papaya biotechnology biosafety SEA technology transfer transgenic plants genetically modified capacity building | Hautea, R.; Krattiger, A.F. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 11 |
10728 | Biosafety capacity building: A World Bank perspective. | capacity building biosafety food security biotechnology World Bank GMOs agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights | Pehu, Eija |
biotech |
8206 | Biosafety considerations for genetically engineered rice. | herbicide tolerance insect resistance disease resistance nutritional enhancement environmental concerns health concerns socio-economic concerns | Ching, Lim L. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
10758 | Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering and biotechnology : For field work and planned release. | For field work and planned release. | biosafety genetic engineering biotechnology DNA technology generally modified organisms transgenic plants transgenic organism pathogenic environment | biotech |
10759 | Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering and biotechnology : For laboratory work. | biosafety genetic engineering biotechnology DNA technology generally modified organisms transgenic plants transgenic organism pathogenic environment | biotech |
10824 | Biosafety in field trials of transgenic papaya : Learning from the visit to Monsanto and the University of Hawaii. | Learning from the visit to Monsanto and the University of Hawaii. | transgenic papaya biosafety biotechnology insect resistance herbicide resistant disease resistance gene stacking environmental impact food and feed safety | Chan Ying Kwok; Watchareewan Jamboonsi |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 11 |
10935 | Biosafety management : Key to the environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs policies food safety risk management biosafety | Traynor, Patricia L. |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
10849 | Biosafety management in the Philippines. | biotechnology Bt corn genetically modified organisms Philippines biosafety transgenic crops food safety environmental impact pesticide risk | Fernandez, Eduardo |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 15 |