ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11218 | Biosafety management: key to the environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs human resource development biosafety public-private-sector | Traynor, Patricia |
biotech |
10744 | Biosafety of site-specific recombination-mediated and homing endonuclease-mediated chromosome modifications in plants. | biosafety endonuclease systems chromosome heterologous systems DNA transgenic pleiotropic ecological toxicology | Gilissen, Luud J.W.J.; Nap, Jan-Peter |
biotech |
10882 | Biosafety policy options and capacity building related to genetically modified organisms in the food processing, industry of ASEAN. | biosafety capacity building genetically modified organisms food processing ASEAN DNA technology intellectual property | Bhumiratana, Sakarindr |
biotech |
11316 | Biosafety projects / : UNEP-GEF Projects on Implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks | biosafety modern biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs policy environment human health Cartagena Protocol living modified organisms : LMOs risks assessment genetics | biotech |
10727 | Biosafety studies in Egypt and Argentina: Two pathways to implementation. | Egypt biosafety food security capacity building biotechnology Argentina GMOs agricultural biotechnology | Cohen, J.; Traynor, P.; Burachik, Moises; Madkour, Magdy; Komen, John |
biotech |
648 | Biosalinity in action: Bioproduction with saline water | salt tolerance algae saline water macroalgae crop production mariculture seawater agriculture | Pasternak, D.; San Peitro, A. (eds.) |
book | developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 17 |
10157 | Bioscience entrepreneurship in Asia : Creating value with biology | biotechnology bioscience enterprises hybrid plant seed varieties tissue culture biofermentation biofertilizers biopesticides mushroom culture biofuels bioremediation biodetection plant diseases genetically modified food entrepreneurship | Teng, Paul S. |
purch |
5865 | Biosec + CRH improves brooding performance. | Biosec carbonized rice hull poultry litter odor bioorganic fertilizer beneficial microbes enzymes | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9228 | Biosecurity ensures farm productivity. | biosecurity programs mass disinfection mass vaccination infectious agent food safety disinfectants | Yap, Julio P. Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4302 | Biosecurity guide for feed manufacturers (second of two parts). | foot-and-mouth disease biosecurity bioterrorism feeds sanitation housekeeping | Sison, J.A. |
serials | agriculture |