List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11218 Biosafety management: key to the environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs human resource development biosafety public-private-sector

Traynor, Patricia


10744 Biosafety of site-specific recombination-mediated and homing endonuclease-mediated chromosome modifications in plants. biosafety endonuclease systems chromosome heterologous systems DNA transgenic pleiotropic ecological toxicology

Gilissen, Luud J.W.J.; Nap, Jan-Peter


10882 Biosafety policy options and capacity building related to genetically modified organisms in the food processing, industry of ASEAN. biosafety capacity building genetically modified organisms food processing ASEAN DNA technology intellectual property

Bhumiratana, Sakarindr


11316 Biosafety projects / : UNEP-GEF Projects on Implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks biosafety modern biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs policy environment human health Cartagena Protocol living modified organisms : LMOs risks assessment genetics biotech

10727 Biosafety studies in Egypt and Argentina: Two pathways to implementation. Egypt biosafety food security capacity building biotechnology Argentina GMOs agricultural biotechnology

Cohen, J.; Traynor, P.; Burachik, Moises; Madkour, Magdy; Komen, John


648 Biosalinity in action: Bioproduction with saline water salt tolerance algae saline water macroalgae crop production mariculture seawater agriculture

Pasternak, D.; San Peitro, A. (eds.)

book developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 17

10157 Bioscience entrepreneurship in Asia : Creating value with biology biotechnology bioscience enterprises hybrid plant seed varieties tissue culture biofermentation biofertilizers biopesticides mushroom culture biofuels bioremediation biodetection plant diseases genetically modified food entrepreneurship

Teng, Paul S.


5865 Biosec + CRH improves brooding performance. Biosec carbonized rice hull poultry litter odor bioorganic fertilizer beneficial microbes enzymes

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

9228 Biosecurity ensures farm productivity. biosecurity programs mass disinfection mass vaccination infectious agent food safety disinfectants

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

4302 Biosecurity guide for feed manufacturers (second of two parts). foot-and-mouth disease biosecurity bioterrorism feeds sanitation housekeeping

Sison, J.A.

serials agriculture