ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10881 | Biotechnology - boon or bane?. | biotechnology microorganisms genetically modified organism genetic engineering allergenicity golden rice IRRI Bacillus thuringiensis transgenic crops Philippines | Fernandez, Rudy A. |
biotech | agriasia, vol. 1, no. 4 |
11096 | Biotechnology : Basic concepts and prospects in agriculture. | biotechnology genetic engineering Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt transgenic crops rDNA plant breeding crop biotechnology | Ramos, Helen C. |
biotech |
10860 | Biotechnology : Finding a practical approach to a promising technology. | biotechnology genetic engineering food safety herbicides pesticides | Larson, Alan P. |
biotech |
11097 | Biotechnology : Issues and concerns. | Issues and concerns. | biotechnology transgenic foods genetically modified organisms : GMOs food safety biodiversity genetic engineering | Ramos, Helen C. |
biotech |
10991 | Biotechnology : Status and opportunities. | biotechnology recombinant DNA : rDNA Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt agriculture forestry food industry transgenic crops tissue culture intellectual property rights : IPR Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Law : RA 8435 | Cruz de la, Reynaldo E. |
biotech |
10948 | Biotechnology : What it means for you and your future (Notes on the ISAAA-UIUC survey of opinions about biotechnology in food production). | biotechnology policy makers biotechnology genetically modified foods Philippines factual knowledge information sources | Castillo, Gelia T. |
biotech |
11042 | Biotechnology a powerful tool to feed growing populace - FAO. | biotechnology organic farming rural development food security | biotech | philippine star |
11343 | Biotechnology addressing millenium development goals. | SECURA global competitiveness economic development global partnership enzymes azospirillum sp. pest resistant biogas waste management systems environment indicators crop biotechnology hepatitis B environmental sustainability medical biotechnology malaria HIV/AIDS influenza virus DNA Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) GM papaya golden rice maternal health lactoferin GM cow recombinant vaccine newborn screening recombinant gene technology lycopene antioxidant canola oil Vitamin E-enriched corn polyunsaturated GM sweet potato inorganic fertilizer Vital N biofertilizers tungro marker-aided selection (MAS) bacterial blight saline-tolerant biotechnology poverty human development prosperity food security sustainable development safe environment industry development Bt corn tissue culture | biotech | bioliffe: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
1394 | Biotechnology and biosafety : Proceedings of an associated event of the fifth annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development. | Proceedings of an associated event of the fifth annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development. | biotechnology health risk assessment biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms transgenic crops | Serageldin, I.; Collins, W. (eds.) |
book |
10785 | Biotechnology and biosafety in ASEAN. | risk assessment biosafety biotechnology ASEAN food security genetically modified orgnisms technology transfer capacity building networking | Posadas, Linda S. |
biotech |