ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3556 | Black rot of crucifers and sources of resistance in brassica crops | plant diseases plant breeding leaf spot diseases | Ignatov, A.; Hida, K.; Kuginuki, Y. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
5892 | Black soil, green rice. | soil Terra preta Terra mulata rice biochar charcoal biomass | Haefele, Stephan M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
16386 | Black soldier flies: Farming with flies | black soldier flies; waste management; livestock; poultry feeds; decomposers | Tababa, James |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10753 | Blast, biotech and big business : Implications of corporate strategies on rice research in Asia. | Implications of corporate strategies on rice research in Asia. | rice, genetic engineering, transgenic blast resistance, genomics, bacterial blight, southeast asia, Pyricularia grisea, durable resistance, agricultural biotechnology, | biotech |
8935 | Bleaching and dyeing characteristics of three climbing bamboo species. | bleaching characteristics dyeing characteristics Cephalostachyum mindorense Dinochloa acutiflora Cyrtochloa fenixii | Palisoc, Josefina G.; Tavita, Yolanda L. |
serials | forest products research development institute |
8278 | Block farming can boost Philippine's sugar industry. | block farming sugar industry Sugar Regulatory Administration | Duarte, Eduardo A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14739 | Blockchain for food: Making sense of technology and the impact on biofortified seeds | blockchain technology; food technology; seed biofortification; food systems; food production; farmers; governance; supply chain | De Ruyter de Wildt, M.; Van Ginkel, M.; Coppoolse, K.; van Maarseveen, B.; Walton, J.; Kruseman, G. |
weblinks | community of practice on socio-economic data report copsed-2019-002 |
14757 | Blockchain technology for agriculture: Applications and rationale | blockchain technology; food supply chain; agricultural insurance; smart agriculture; smart contract | Xiong Hang; Dalhaus Tobias; Wang Puging; Huang Jiaun |
weblinks | front. blockchain 3:7 |
16605 | Blockchain-based proxy re-encryption access control method for biological risk privacy protection of agricultural products | agricultural products; biological risk factors; privacy protection; blockchain; re-encryption; attribute based access control | Wang, Shaohua; Luo, Na; Xing, Bin; Sun, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Hang; Sun, Chuanheng |
weblinks | scientific reports |
6708 | Blood cell morphology of rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) : | blood cell morphology rusa deer | Chaleow Salakij; Jarernsak Salakij; Chainarong Kanthapanit; Nirachara Rochanapat; Gavil Nunklang |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |