List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3556 Black rot of crucifers and sources of resistance in brassica crops plant diseases plant breeding leaf spot diseases

Ignatov, A.; Hida, K.; Kuginuki, Y.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5892 Black soil, green rice. soil Terra preta Terra mulata rice biochar charcoal biomass

Haefele, Stephan M.

serials agriculture magazine

16386 Black soldier flies: Farming with flies black soldier flies; waste management; livestock; poultry feeds; decomposers

Tababa, James

serials agriculture magazine

10753 Blast, biotech and big business : Implications of corporate strategies on rice research in Asia. Implications of corporate strategies on rice research in Asia. rice, genetic engineering, transgenic blast resistance, genomics, bacterial blight, southeast asia, Pyricularia grisea, durable resistance, agricultural biotechnology, biotech

8935 Bleaching and dyeing characteristics of three climbing bamboo species. bleaching characteristics dyeing characteristics Cephalostachyum mindorense Dinochloa acutiflora Cyrtochloa fenixii

Palisoc, Josefina G.; Tavita, Yolanda L.

serials forest products research development institute

8278 Block farming can boost Philippine's sugar industry. block farming sugar industry Sugar Regulatory Administration

Duarte, Eduardo A.

serials agriculture magazine

14739 Blockchain for food: Making sense of technology and the impact on biofortified seeds blockchain technology; food technology; seed biofortification; food systems; food production; farmers; governance; supply chain

De Ruyter de Wildt, M.; Van Ginkel, M.; Coppoolse, K.; van Maarseveen, B.; Walton, J.; Kruseman, G.

weblinks community of practice on socio-economic data report copsed-2019-002

14757 Blockchain technology for agriculture: Applications and rationale blockchain technology; food supply chain; agricultural insurance; smart agriculture; smart contract

Xiong Hang; Dalhaus Tobias; Wang Puging; Huang Jiaun

weblinks front. blockchain 3:7

16605 Blockchain-based proxy re-encryption access control method for biological risk privacy protection of agricultural products agricultural products; biological risk factors; privacy protection; blockchain; re-encryption; attribute based access control

Wang, Shaohua; Luo, Na; Xing, Bin; Sun, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Hang; Sun, Chuanheng

weblinks scientific reports

6708 Blood cell morphology of rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) : blood cell morphology rusa deer

Chaleow Salakij; Jarernsak Salakij; Chainarong Kanthapanit; Nirachara Rochanapat; Gavil Nunklang

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science