ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16435 | Bird flu alert | bird flu; chicken; avian influenza; virus; farm biosecurity measures; surveillance and monitoring; quarantine; vaccination; public awareness; wild bird management | serials | agriculture magazine |
5562 | Bird flu: A big concern but not a cause for panic [Part 1]. | bird flu birds influenza virus | Landicho, Elito Ferry |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5581 | Bird flu: A big concern but not a cause for panic [Part 2]. | bird flu viruses H5N1 virus humans infection respiratory tract | Landicho, Elito Ferry |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5098 | Birds and mammals of the fragmented forests along the Anahawin River, Mt. Iglit-Baco National Park, Mindoro Island, Philippines. | birds mammals animals avifauna national park fragmented forests Mindoro mist-netting | Gonzalez, J.C.T.; Dans, A.T.L. |
serials | sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources |
7829 | Birth of the first Thai native cross-bred foal through artificial insemination with frozen semen. | artificial insemination frozen semen foal Thailand cryopreservation | Kanittha Phetudomsinsuk; Anuchai Pinyopummin; Piyawan Suthunmapinanta; Aree Laikul; Kaitkanoke Sirinarumitr; Kornchai Kornkaewrat |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
7608 | Birth of the first Thai native cross-bred foal through artificial insemination with frozen semen. | artificial insemination frozen semen foal Thailand cryopreservation | Kanittha Phetudomsinsuk; Anuchai Pinyopummin; Piyawan Suthunmapinanta; Aree Laikul; Kaitkanoke Sirinarumitr; Kornchai Kornkaewrat |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
8558 | Bittergourd recipes. | ampalaya bittergourd Momordica charantia | Sultan, Venus E. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12835 | Biz people keen on adopting DOST technologies | investment business opportunities Technology Transfer Day | Anonas, Framelia V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6277 | Black cross leaf spot: An emerging threat to banana industry. | banana leaves black cross leaf spot Phyllachora musicola plant diseases weather disease management | Provido, Noel T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4332 | Black gold: A guide to vermicomposting. | vermicomposting vegetable waste worms composting | Aldridge, N. |
serials | agriculture |