ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3749 | Biotech papayas being developed in Southeast Asia. | genetically-transformed transgenic papaya ringspot virus delayed ripening | serials | agriculture |
11494 | Biotech plants for bioremediation | biotechnology global industrialization pollution remediation phytoremediation pollutants biomass herbicide resistance Astralagus bisulcatus detoxification arsenic mercury Arabidopsis thaliana | biotech | pocket k |
8028 | Biotech promotion policy and technology transfer issues: Evidences from aquaculture and marine biotechnology. | biotechnology stock and utilization patent facilitation cell | Ninawe, A.S. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
13937 | BIOTECH researchers develop an all-natural food colorant | colorant; food; beverages; Monascus colorant; plant sources; antioxidant properties | De Guzman, Rodolfo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4393 | Biotech techniques help improve fruits and livestock. | biotechnology papaya control of ripening mango disease resistant ringspot virus dairy cattle in vitro fertilization | serials | agriculture |
11195 | Biotech won't soon replace "conventional" breeding. | biotechnology genetic engineering Arabidopsis genetics plant breeding transgenic DNA | Mackill, David J. |
biotech | rice today |
10713 | Biotechnological approaches to control postharvest problems. | biotechnology genetic engineering postharvest postharvest pathogens tropical fruits vegetables | Botella, J.R. |
biotech | psp seminar monograph no. 05-02 |
8209 | Biotechnological options for enhancing water use efficiency of rice. | soil water loss water deficit | Singh, Anil K.; Chinnusamy, Viswanathan |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
11086 | Biotechnologies in agriculture : Production and market potentials, socio-economic evaluation and policy analysis. | Production and market potentials, socio-economic evaluation and policy analysis. | biotechnology socio-economic policies Bio-N Bio-green genetically engineered crops technology transfer genetically modifed organisms : GMOs | biotech |
11029 | Biotechnology 'viable solution' to rising demand - IRRI /. | biotechnology transgenic rice green revolution IRRI biodiversity Asia genetically engineered | Ancahlee Kotswang |
biotech | business world |