List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3749 Biotech papayas being developed in Southeast Asia. genetically-transformed transgenic papaya ringspot virus delayed ripening serials agriculture

11494 Biotech plants for bioremediation biotechnology global industrialization pollution remediation phytoremediation pollutants biomass herbicide resistance Astralagus bisulcatus detoxification arsenic mercury Arabidopsis thaliana biotech pocket k

8028 Biotech promotion policy and technology transfer issues: Evidences from aquaculture and marine biotechnology. biotechnology stock and utilization patent facilitation cell

Ninawe, A.S.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

13937 BIOTECH researchers develop an all-natural food colorant colorant; food; beverages; Monascus colorant; plant sources; antioxidant properties

De Guzman, Rodolfo P.

serials agriculture magazine

4393 Biotech techniques help improve fruits and livestock. biotechnology papaya control of ripening mango disease resistant ringspot virus dairy cattle in vitro fertilization serials agriculture

11195 Biotech won't soon replace "conventional" breeding. biotechnology genetic engineering Arabidopsis genetics plant breeding transgenic DNA

Mackill, David J.

biotech rice today

10713 Biotechnological approaches to control postharvest problems. biotechnology genetic engineering postharvest postharvest pathogens tropical fruits vegetables

Botella, J.R.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 05-02

8209 Biotechnological options for enhancing water use efficiency of rice. soil water loss water deficit

Singh, Anil K.; Chinnusamy, Viswanathan

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11086 Biotechnologies in agriculture : Production and market potentials, socio-economic evaluation and policy analysis. Production and market potentials, socio-economic evaluation and policy analysis. biotechnology socio-economic policies Bio-N Bio-green genetically engineered crops technology transfer genetically modifed organisms : GMOs biotech

11029 Biotechnology 'viable solution' to rising demand - IRRI /. biotechnology transgenic rice green revolution IRRI biodiversity Asia genetically engineered

Ancahlee Kotswang

biotech business world