List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10758 Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering and biotechnology : For field work and planned release. For field work and planned release. biosafety genetic engineering biotechnology DNA technology generally modified organisms transgenic plants transgenic organism pathogenic environment biotech

10759 Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering and biotechnology : For laboratory work. biosafety genetic engineering biotechnology DNA technology generally modified organisms transgenic plants transgenic organism pathogenic environment biotech

10824 Biosafety in field trials of transgenic papaya : Learning from the visit to Monsanto and the University of Hawaii. Learning from the visit to Monsanto and the University of Hawaii. transgenic papaya biosafety biotechnology insect resistance herbicide resistant disease resistance gene stacking environmental impact food and feed safety

Chan Ying Kwok; Watchareewan Jamboonsi

biotech isaaa briefs no. 11

10935 Biosafety management : Key to the environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs policies food safety risk management biosafety

Traynor, Patricia L.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10849 Biosafety management in the Philippines. biotechnology Bt corn genetically modified organisms Philippines biosafety transgenic crops food safety environmental impact pesticide risk

Fernandez, Eduardo

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15

11218 Biosafety management: key to the environmentally responsible use of biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs human resource development biosafety public-private-sector

Traynor, Patricia


10744 Biosafety of site-specific recombination-mediated and homing endonuclease-mediated chromosome modifications in plants. biosafety endonuclease systems chromosome heterologous systems DNA transgenic pleiotropic ecological toxicology

Gilissen, Luud J.W.J.; Nap, Jan-Peter


10882 Biosafety policy options and capacity building related to genetically modified organisms in the food processing, industry of ASEAN. biosafety capacity building genetically modified organisms food processing ASEAN DNA technology intellectual property

Bhumiratana, Sakarindr


11316 Biosafety projects / : UNEP-GEF Projects on Implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks biosafety modern biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs policy environment human health Cartagena Protocol living modified organisms : LMOs risks assessment genetics biotech

10727 Biosafety studies in Egypt and Argentina: Two pathways to implementation. Egypt biosafety food security capacity building biotechnology Argentina GMOs agricultural biotechnology

Cohen, J.; Traynor, P.; Burachik, Moises; Madkour, Magdy; Komen, John
