List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16059 Biopiracy: The legal perspective biopiracy

Gollin, Michael A.

serials searca policy brief series 2007-4

14554 Bioprocess engineering: Systems, equipment and facilities biochemical engineering; process systems; system components; support systems; facility design book

9408 Biopsychosocial needs and perceptions on senior day care of the functional elderly in the village of Dayap in Calauan, Laguna, Philippines. Senior Day Care elderly biopsychosocial needs

Torres, Renato V.

serials journal of human ecology

6722 Bioreactor performance and design of large scale packed-bed solid-state fermentation. large-scale bioreactor bioreactor performance and design solid-state fermentation

Penjit Srinophakun; Thongchai Srinophakhun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11338 Bioreactor to cut production cost of biofuel, drugs. Dr. Sung Ho Son VitroSys Incorporated PhilRice PCAARD DA DOST airlift bioreactor ginseng Chinese herbs oxygen carbon dioxide plant resources mineral resources bio-fuel herbs ginseng bioreactor biotechnology plant tissue culture petroleum Korean mountain ginseng coconut Asia Philippines South Korea

Mayuga, Jonathan L.

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine of biotechnology

4191 Bioreactor turns wastes into fertilizer in 4-5 days. bioreactor machine rapid composting microbial inoculant biodegradable wastes serials agriculture

8228 Biorefineries: A contribution to the human face of biotechnology. biorefinery biotechnology biofuel biodiesel biogas composting environmental conservation ethical concerns mushrooms renewable energy

Doelle, Horst W.; DaSilva, Edgar J.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

10770 Biosafety act on biotechnology product: a proposal. biotechnology genetically modified microorganisms biosafety cotton ecosystems policy animal health Indonesia biodiversity biological environment

Hari Hartiko


8222 Biosafety and emerging socio economic issues. biosafety labeling

Lalitha, N.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11105 Biosafety and risk assessment in agricultural biotechnology : A workbook for technical training. A workbook for technical training. biosafety capacity building risk assessment risk management biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified organisms : GMOs

Traynor, Patricia L.
