List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10990 Biotechnology and crop improvement in the Philippines. biotechnology plant breeding biosafety intellectual property irghts : IPR policies germplasm conservation recombinant DNA technology : rDNA genetic diversity Institute of Plant Breeding : IPB Philippines

Villegas, Violeta N.


10732 Biotechnology and development cooperation : Priorities and organisation of the special programme. biotechnology development cooperation environment genetically modified organisms genetic resources intellectual property rights plant production animal production environmental management technology assessment biotech

14292 Biotechnology and food production biotechnology; genetics; food production; preservation technology; food technology and processing; food spoilage; food production technology; fermented food products; food quality; food control

Carrillo, Westin


10992 Biotechnology and food safety : Report of a joint FAO/WHO Consultation Report of a joint FAO/WHO Consultation / biotechnology food safety allergenicity gene transfer pathogenicity genetically modified rDNA biotech fao food and nutrition paper 61

8210 Biotechnology and IPR regime: In the context of India and developing countries. biotechnology Indian sub-continent pharmaceutical biodiversity patenting

Tripathi, K.K.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11416 Biotechnology and its impact on culture. biotechnology biotech organism transgenic genetically modified organisms (GMO) recombinant organism rDNA genetic engineering St. Luke's Medical Center genetic testing Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety information dissemination cloning food and agriculture plant breeding risk management biosafety Dr. Filipinas Natividad industrial production genetic profiling biodiversity tissue culture stem cell technology Dr. Carmencita Padilla genome DNA fingerprinting intellectual property biopharming genetically modified (GM) crops pre-biotechnology post-biotechnology

Halos, Saturnina

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

499 Biotechnology and its implications for ACIAR China Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam biotechnology policy issues capacity building training

Vimala Sarma

book aciar technical reports 35

10715 Biotechnology and modern rice breeding. biotechnology rice production rice DNA genetic engineering genomics rice biotechnology

Bennet, John; Padolina, William

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 05-02

4534 Biotechnology and reproductive health: A missed opportunity. biotechnology

Philip, B.A.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8204 Biotechnology and rice: The challenges ahead. hidden hunger produce and perish manipulation control

Sharma, Devinder

serials asian biotechnology and development review