List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2109 Breeding rice for drought-prone environments. plant breeding drought tolerance selection molecular tools physiological traits rice

Fischer, K.S.; Lafitte, R.; Fukai, S.; Atlin, G.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


742 Breeding strategies for resistance to the rusts of wheat Wheats Rust Disease resistance Plant breeding

Simmonds, N.W.; Rajaram, S. (eds.)


932 Breeding technologies for tropical acacias Acacia mangium Acacia auriculiformis plant breeding Acacia crassicarpa reproduction biology vegetative propagation phenology pod production

Carron, L.T.; Aken, K.M. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.37

8739 Brewing and understanding coffee inside and out. brewing coffee

Tibaldo, Art

serials agriculture magazine

16590 Brewing dreams: The rise of specialty coffee in Atok, Benguet coffee; Arabica; Kalsada Coffee; farmers; market; Atok; Benguet

Mapagu, Shalomaigne F.

serials agriculture magazine

15917 Bridging the agriculture credit gap: A case study of the farmer entrepreneurship program of Jollibee Group Foundation interlinked contracts; inclusive value chain; agriculture credit; institutional voids; inclusive interlinked financing; credit gap

Capacio, Jane Lynn D.; de Dios, Emmanuel S.; van Tulder, Rob

serials philippine journal of public policy (pjpp)

9247 Bridging the gap towards agricultural development. product transportation agricultural tramline system

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

16561 Bridging the gaps in scicomm science communication; challenges; opportunities; training

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

5952 Bridging the post-weaning piglet growth gap. piglet grower-finisher pigs body weight animal nutrition nucleotides NuPro diets

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

10889 Bridging the public/private divide : The essential role of fellowships. biotechnology biosafety intellectual property technology transfer

Alvarez, David

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. i, no. 3, march 2001