ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16108 | Building networks for sustainable community-based forest management: Lessons from the assessment of selected CBFM projects in the Philippines | sustainable forest management; CBFM; community-based | Ancog, Rico; Ruzol, Clarissa; Sarapuddin, Ayesha; Ruzol, Ruel |
serials | searca policy brief series 2017 |
8149 | Building practical theories for technology integration. | technology mathematics science | Ruthven, Kenneth |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
11235 | Building public acceptance of agri-food bioproducts: a comparative international analysis. | biotechnology biodiversity transgenic foods genetically modified organisms : GMOs | Traynor, Patricia |
biotech |
13213 | Building resilience for sustainable ASEAN from water-related disasters - Executive summary report | water; natural disasters; climate change; disaster management; hazards; water security; Asia; Pacific; ASEAN; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Indonesia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam | Keizrul bin Abdullah |
weblinks |
13202 | Building resilience through Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE): Moving towards a comprehensive SAFE Framework | energy; resilience; sustainable livelihood; disaster risks; climate change; women; health; safety; conflict sensitivity; gender equality; renewable energy; alternative fuels; sustainable natural resources; forest management; disaster risk reduction; climate change adaptation; mitigation | weblinks |
14747 | Building resilient cities An assessment of disaster risk management policies in Southeast Asia | disaster risk management; policies; governance structure; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Malaysia; Vietnam; Southeast Asia | weblinks |
13831 | Building stronger partnerships for resilience: Opportunities for greater FAO engagement in realizing the goals of the DFID Humanitarian Policy | resilience; livelihoods; disaster risks; agriculture; food security; nutrition; food safety; social protection; partnerships; conflicts | weblinks |
2059 | Building the smallholder into successful natural resource management at the watershed scale. | conservation farming hedgerow system | Garrity, Dennis P.; Mercado, Agustin Jr.; Stark, Marco |
book |
13726 | Building urban resilience : Principles, tools, and practice | urban resilience; disasters; climate change; risks; uncertainty; disaster risk management; social resilience; mitigation; land use planning | weblinks |
14087 | Bukid Amara: A new level of farm experience | farm; flowers; vegetables; Quezon | Yap, Julio P. Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |