List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11319 Bt cotton: an alternative high-value crop. Bt cotton transgenic plant biotechnology cotton bollworm Cotton Development Administration : CODA cotton production genetic engineering Australia Canada United States Thailand Indonesia India Argentina

Tejada, Gamaliel

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

11400 Bt eggplant paving the way for Asia's 'GM' edible crop revolution. insect resistance public-private partnership Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSPII) backcrossing transgenic plant high-yielding production health environment pests resistant meaty texture UPLB Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) anti-oxidant bio-engineered eggplant Bangladesh global technology Maharastra Hybrid Seed Co. (Mahyco) socio-economic Philippines Dr. Desiree Hautea human consumption biosafety Bt proteins Bt gene Bacillus thuringiensis genetically engineered bt eggplant plant breeding crop protection Dr. Usha B. Zehr Dr. Raju Barwale environmental factors genetically modified (GM) biotechnology FSB-resistant : FSBR India Asia potassium phosphorous Dr. Josefina Narciso anti-stress

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

11365 Bt eggplant ready for commercial release by 2007. Institute of Plant Breeding-University of the Philippines plant genome Bacillus thuringensis bt eggplant potassium phosphorus toxic chemicals pests resistant biosafety FSBR eggplant breeding insect resistance bioengineered eggplant Bay, Laguna BL2 greenhouse genome cry 1 Ac gene biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

10965 Bt insect resistance technology soil ecoystems transgenic crops insect resistance genetically modified : GM biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biodiversity pest management biotech pocket k

1449 Budgeting: Profit planning and control. management profit planning expenditures cash flows

Welsch, Glenn A.; Hilton, Ronald W.; Gordon, Paul N.


991 Buffalo and goats in Asia: Genetic diversity and its application : Proceedings of a seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-14 February 1991 water buffaloes swamp buffaloes goats carabaos genetic variation genetic identification reproductive performance milk production

Tulloh, N.M. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.34

15719 Buffalo meat value chain analysis in Luzon, Philippines buffalo meat; value chain analysis; PCC

Lantican, Flordeliza A.; Molina, Ma. Celeste M.; Lapitan, Jesus E.; Padrid, Jennifer C.; Sunaz, Elmer C.; Canizares, Ma. Angelica R.; Lantican, Jhuliet Arianne G.; Carandang, Loise Ann M.


5576 Buffalo to the rescue. Murrah buffalos income milk

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

5680 Buffalo upgrades now common in Ilocos farms. buffalo artificial insemination

Pablico, Sosimo M.

serials agriculture magazine

3123 Buhay panatag, bayang matatag. Country Programme Document Philippine GDP Growth poverty incidence rates book