List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5781 Bright prospects for RP's cocoa industry. cocoa livelihood

Jallorina Aya V.

serials agriculture magazine

8434 Bright prospects from processed chili. chili

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

4676 Bright prospects loom for white corn production. white corn yields chichacorn income demand

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

6014 Bright prospects of biotechnology at PCC [Philippine Carabao Center]. biotechnology in vitro embryo production calves water buffalo cryopreservation

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

13587 Bright strategy in fruit production fruit production; orchard

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3765 Brighter prospects for Mindanao's tree farming industry. forest plantation CARAGA Region Mindanao federation

Mendoza, Luis Jr.

serials agriculture

3710 Bring back the butterflies. butterflies nectar plants shelter egg stage larva caterpillar pupa Chrysallis stage

Robledo, Lydia Casapao

serials agriculture

9093 Bring back the tradition of eating brown rice. brown rice agricultural crops rice nutrition

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

16399 Bringing back mined areas to life through endemic microbes and biochar technology endemic microbes; biochar technology; mined areas

Gestiada, Emer C.; Morong, Lea Joy M.; Victoria, Kristel S.; Aggangan, Nelly S.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2024 13-3

9254 Bringing back the sparkle to Siargao's shores. KaMAMANA fishermen mud crab farming mangroves serials agriculture magazine