ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11213 | Case methodology: an illustrative case for priority setting in biotechnology using, the analytic hierarchy process | biotechnology analytic hierarchy process : AHP fungal blight tomato germplasm priority settings Silapan food security genetics nematode resistance | Braunschweig, Thomas; Falconi, Cesar A. |
biotech |
3075 | Case stories of learning partnerships for ESD. | Bio-diversity preservation waterways elevation displays project quality learning learning laboratories education for sustainable development mangrove reforestation environmental education man and biosphere community learning centres | book |
2226 | Case studies of people's participation in watershed management in Asia - Part I: Nepal, China and India. | watershed management people's participation soil and water conservation land leasing | Sharma, Prem N.; Wagley, Mohan P. (eds.) |
book |
2009 | Case studies of people's participation in watershed management in Asia : Part II: Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines. | participation tank system watershed management protected areas Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Philippines | Sharma, P.N. (ed.) |
book |
2363 | Case studies on gender issues and best practices in land administration projects. | gender land policy property rights land legislation land rights land holdings poverty land reform Ghana Laos Bolivia | Giovarelli, Renee; Katz, Elizabeth; Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana; Nichols, Susan |
book |
3737 | Case study proves that pummelo is a money maker. | pummelo drainage fertilizing irrigation pruning insect control disease control propping replanting quality assurance | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture |
10767 | Case study: present state and needs for biosafety protection in Mongolia. | biotechnology transgenic plants biosafety DNA technology biodiversity genetically modified organisms Mongolia ecosystems | Tsetseg Baljinova |
biotech |
3129 | Case Study: Cambodia Community-Based Adaptation : Two examples from rural affected communities. | climate change water conservation food production community livelihood water resources management | book |
117 | Cases and incidents on the basic concepts of management | planning organizing directing controlling | Hodgetts, R.M.; Albers, H.H. |
book |
10105 | Cases on marketing management in the Philippine setting. | marketing products services Philippines | Gutierrez, Ben Paul B. (ed.) |
purch |