List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11213 Case methodology: an illustrative case for priority setting in biotechnology using, the analytic hierarchy process biotechnology analytic hierarchy process : AHP fungal blight tomato germplasm priority settings Silapan food security genetics nematode resistance

Braunschweig, Thomas; Falconi, Cesar A.


3075 Case stories of learning partnerships for ESD. Bio-diversity preservation waterways elevation displays project quality learning learning laboratories education for sustainable development mangrove reforestation environmental education man and biosphere community learning centres book

2226 Case studies of people's participation in watershed management in Asia - Part I: Nepal, China and India. watershed management people's participation soil and water conservation land leasing

Sharma, Prem N.; Wagley, Mohan P. (eds.)


2009 Case studies of people's participation in watershed management in Asia : Part II: Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines. participation tank system watershed management protected areas Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Philippines

Sharma, P.N. (ed.)


2363 Case studies on gender issues and best practices in land administration projects. gender land policy property rights land legislation land rights land holdings poverty land reform Ghana Laos Bolivia

Giovarelli, Renee; Katz, Elizabeth; Lastarria-Cornhiel, Susana; Nichols, Susan


3737 Case study proves that pummelo is a money maker. pummelo drainage fertilizing irrigation pruning insect control disease control propping replanting quality assurance

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture

10767 Case study: present state and needs for biosafety protection in Mongolia. biotechnology transgenic plants biosafety DNA technology biodiversity genetically modified organisms Mongolia ecosystems

Tsetseg Baljinova


3129 Case Study: Cambodia Community-Based Adaptation : Two examples from rural affected communities. climate change water conservation food production community livelihood water resources management book

117 Cases and incidents on the basic concepts of management planning organizing directing controlling

Hodgetts, R.M.; Albers, H.H.


10105 Cases on marketing management in the Philippine setting. marketing products services Philippines

Gutierrez, Ben Paul B. (ed.)
