ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7035 | Cashew is not just about the nuts; it's about wine and prune, too. | cashew wine prune cashew apple commercialization Palawan | Dela Cruz, Rita T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11902 | Cashew production and marketing practices: the case of Kud "Bumi Mete", growers Gu Sub-Districts, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia | agribusiness management cashew cooperatives cashew production marketing organizational structure post harvest handling marketing practices Indonesia | La Ode Syaefuddin |
theses |
11439 | Cashing in on 'green gold' in Caraga. | biotechnology green gold poverty food production SME Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corp. (QUEDANCOR) Department of Agriculture biocommerce biofuel tagum palm tree palm GM products genetically modified organisms (GMOs) biotechnology revolution BIONet Caraga Secura International Northern Mindanao Institute of Science and Technology NORMISIST tissue culture enzyme papain papaya food security hybridization income Caraga Region Bt corn plant hybrid pest-resistant food and feed | biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
6089 | Cashing in on arrowroot flour production. | arrowroot flour processing plant products DOST BPRE | Embuscado, Erwin S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13678 | Cashless agri-kapihan works fine | agriculture; farming techniques | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5195 | Cassava as feedstock for alcohol production. | alcohol cassava molasses corn-cassava relay cropping systems feedstock monocrop relay cropping | Tagle, S.A.L.; Mendoza, T.C. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |
8957 | Cassava farming helps farmers deal with climate change. | cassava climate change granulators | Caliguiran, Vladimir B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12758 | Cassava marketing in Pailin province, Cambodia, 2014. | cassava marketing system tracing method marketing margin price | Chheun Sreyneang |
theses |
16355 | Cassava rapid stem multiplication tunnel: Construction manual | seed; cassava; technology; semillas; mandioca-yuca; tecnología agrícola; tunnel, seed multiplication, seed production | Delaquis, Erik; Newby, Jonathan Craig; Malik, Al Imran; Youabee, Laothao; Oudthachit, Saythong; Escobar Pérez, Roosevelt Humberto |
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15891 | Cassava rapid stem multiplication tunnel: Operations manual | seed; cassava; technology; semilla; tecnología agrícola; mandioca; tunnel, seed multiplication, seed production | Delaquis, Erik; Malik, Imran; Newby, Jonathan Craig; Escobar Pérez, Roosevelt Humberto; Youabee, Laothao; Oudthachit, Saythong; Sophearith, Sok; Le Thuy, Cu Thi; Thi Nhan, Pham |
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