List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11134 Celebrating women's health. hypertension heart disease cardiovascular disease hypercholesterolemia health and nutrition osteoporosis obesity biotech reprinted from food insight,march/april 1994

13812 Celery production guide celery serials agriculture magazine

2496 Cell and tissue culture techniques for cereal crop improvement : Proceedings of a workshop cosponsored by the Institute of Genetics, Academia Sinica and The Internationa Rice Research Institute. rice pollen culture anther culture Hevea brasilliensis chromosome elimination callus formation totipotency cytogenetic stability maize pollen callus embryogenesis book

5304 Cell cycle regulation through ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated proteolysis in plants [Review]. cyclin proteins cell cycle biotechnology

Yuki Yanagawa; Seisuke Kimura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

1240 Cell division in higher plants. cell division plastids sporogenesis spore development

Yeoman, M.M. (ed.)


15164 Cellulose acetate from cocoa pod husk-chitosan blend (CACPH-CS) as a biosorbent cellulose acetate; cocoa pod husk; FTIR; NMR; nano-fiber

Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; Caparino, Ofero A.; Monserate, Juvy J.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

5123 Cement-bonded boards from agri-forest wastes. cement-bonded boards woodwool cement board production process socio-economic benefits serials forest products technoflow series 17

9878 Census facts and figures: 2000 Census of population and housing. cities municipalities barangays population purch

82 Central Asian Republics: Information Resources for Economic Development. book

3124 Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project: Rapid climate change threat and vulnerability assessment. vulnerability assessment climate change threat assessment adaptation assessment climate proofing measures book