ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11134 | Celebrating women's health. | hypertension heart disease cardiovascular disease hypercholesterolemia health and nutrition osteoporosis obesity | biotech | reprinted from food insight,march/april 1994 |
13812 | Celery production guide | celery | serials | agriculture magazine |
2496 | Cell and tissue culture techniques for cereal crop improvement : Proceedings of a workshop cosponsored by the Institute of Genetics, Academia Sinica and The Internationa Rice Research Institute. | rice pollen culture anther culture Hevea brasilliensis chromosome elimination callus formation totipotency cytogenetic stability maize pollen callus embryogenesis | book |
5304 | Cell cycle regulation through ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated proteolysis in plants [Review]. | cyclin proteins cell cycle biotechnology | Yuki Yanagawa; Seisuke Kimura |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
1240 | Cell division in higher plants. | cell division plastids sporogenesis spore development | Yeoman, M.M. (ed.) |
book |
15164 | Cellulose acetate from cocoa pod husk-chitosan blend (CACPH-CS) as a biosorbent | cellulose acetate; cocoa pod husk; FTIR; NMR; nano-fiber | Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; Caparino, Ofero A.; Monserate, Juvy J. |
serials | asian journal of postharvest and mechanization |
5123 | Cement-bonded boards from agri-forest wastes. | cement-bonded boards woodwool cement board production process socio-economic benefits | serials | forest products technoflow series 17 |
9878 | Census facts and figures: 2000 Census of population and housing. | cities municipalities barangays population | purch |
82 | Central Asian Republics: Information Resources for Economic Development. | book |
3124 | Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project: Rapid climate change threat and vulnerability assessment. | vulnerability assessment climate change threat assessment adaptation assessment climate proofing measures | book |