ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7284 | Catching the rains: Central America transforms its rainfed farms to irrigated systems through water harvesting. | rainwater harvesting irrigation gravity irrigation reservoirs rice production corn production fish production | Pulver, Edward; Jaramillo, Santiago; Moreira, Sara; Zorrilla, Gonzalo |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2768 | Catchment governance and cooperation dilemmas: A case study from Cambodia. | integrated catchment management irrigation | Bandeth, Ros; Tem, Ly; Thompson, Anna |
book | cdri working paper series no. 61 |
4334 | Catfish culture brings hope to former combatants. | catfish marketing farmers associations income | serials | agriculture |
4224 | Catfish King of Bukidnon is outstanding fishfarmer. | catfish fish culture pituitary gland zooplankton fingerlings induced spawning income | Guerrero, R.D. III |
serials | agriculture |
13418 | Cattle as a money maker in a piggery | cattle; cows; undigested feed ingredients; rice bran | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11546 | Cattle fattening project as an extension education approach for development in Batangas City, Philippines. | cattle fattening project extension education Batangas City Philippines | Werawan Karnjanarungsie |
theses |
2981 | Cattle health, production and trade in Cambodia. | forage productivity Stylosanthes guianensis nitrogen metabolism small holders farmers livestock diseases Bos indicus beef cattle haemorrhagic septicaemia liver fluke foot-and-mouth disease biosecurity | book |
8731 | Cattle investment scheme for OFWs. | cattle dairy milk | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8417 | Cattle produce more milk with malunggay. | cattle milk malunggay | Dela Cruz, Rita T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12869 | Cattle raising | cattle fattening feeder stock tropical breeds cattle nutrition farm byproducts byproducts utilization cattle's housing cattle marketing cattle's common diseases Hemorrhagic Septicemia Anthrax feeding management | serials | agriculture magazine |