List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8341 Changes in the antioxidant activity, total phenolics, and saponin contents of different varieties of roasted seeds of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). antioxidants roasting saponins sesame seeds phenols

Hurtada, Wilma A.; Rodriguez, Felicito M.; Barrion, Aimee Sheree A.; Yee, Marites G.

serials journal of human ecology

12194 Changes in the quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged carabeef during freezer storage food science carabeef freezer storage

Djundjung Daulay


12208 Changes in traditional forms of cooperation in two barangays. community development cooperation labor barangays Bicol

Cosico, Arsenio A.


6489 Changes in Yield and Quality of Agar from the Agarophytes, Gracilaria fisheri and G. tenuistipitata var. liui Cultivated in Earthen Ponds. agar quality earthen pond Gracilaria

Anong Chirapart; Jittima Munkit; Khanjanapaj Lewmanomont

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3551 Changes of AB, IAA and GAs levels in reproductive organs of citrus Horticulture abscisic acid gibberellin indole 3 acetic acid fruit drop fruit-set

Kiyohide Kojima

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6687 Changes of gene frequencies in synthetic corn populations by two methods of recurrent selection and pedigree selection. SI selection gene grequency diallel corn hybrid

Krisda Samphantharak; Rapeepong Yavilasd

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

521 Changing agriculture: An introduction to systems thinking agriculture changes farm situations

Wilson, Jim


15709 Changing agrifood markets in Southeast Asia: Impacts on small-scale producers agrifood markets; small scale producers; food industry; potato farmers; dynamic vegetable market; organic rice producers; dynamic potato market

Digal, Larry; Proctor, Felicity; Vorley, Bill


1962 Changing bank lending behavior and corporate financing in Asia: Some research issues. economic performance bank lending financial systems Asia

Xiaoqin Fan, Emma; Akiko Terada-Hagiwara

book erd working paper series no. 49

16677 Changing mindsets - For mechanization to succees, farmers have to change first farmers; mechanization; local machinery manufacturers; modernization; students; mechanized tools; Y4M; youth; Philippines

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine