List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13982 Chicharon maker modernizes operation chicharon; equipment; machine; DOST serials agriculture magazine

234 Chicken Chicken consumption trends marketing practices cost and return supply and demand price trend

de Jesus, C.; Lantican, C.M. (eds.)

book pcarrd commodity industry analysis series no.1

12347 Chicken production systems in Southeast Vietnam. animal science poultry production livestock production Vietnam

Duong Duy Dong


14310 Chicken situation report, January-December 2018 chicken; distribution of chicken; volume of production; production by Region; chicken egg production; value of production; imports of day-old chicks; imports of chicken meat; broiler meat prices; chicken egg prices; weblinks

9422 Chickpea: New crop for the highlands. chickpea highlands flour garbanzos

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

14956 Childhood health and mother empowerment in rural Myanmar bargaining power; child nutrition; health production function; height-for-age; human capital

Nakamura, Chisa; Saito, Yoko; Shwe, Thuzar

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9531 Chilika Workshop. Chilika environmental monitoring cd

9635 China Digital Library. China digital library digital references cd

11368 China moves towards approval of gm rice. rice production China genetically modified rice biotechnology agricultural tri-dimension pollution plant pest resistant Gurdev Sing Kush International Rice Research Institute : IRRI insect resistant bacterial leaf blight

Tamara Vantroyen

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

16652 China’s pig factory: Taking vertical livestock raising to new heights pig farm; vertical pig factory; automation; artificial intelligence; waste management; biogas; organic fertilizer; biosecurity; China serials agriculture magazine