List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8555 Clay effective against red tide. red tide clay oysters mussels

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

5401 CLC and Fund Conventions in the East Asian seas region. oil pollution conventions benefits International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage environmental damage oil tankers

Bernad, S.R.; Ross, S.A.; Manguiat, M.S.

serials tropical coasts

13108 Clean air in, bad fumes out: benefits and costs of an alternative mode of public transportation system in the Baguio City CBC, Philippines benefit - cost analysis; alternative public transportation system; health impacts, air pollution

Catelo, Maria Angeles; Costales, Achilles; Baldovino, Harvey; Bolislis, Winona; Bantasan, Dorothy

book eepsea research reports 2016-rr8

2335 Clean energy applications in Asia and the Pacific. biomass energy dendropower wastes agricultural wastes animal wastes municipal solid wastes sugarcane bagasse wind power generation solar photovoltaic small hydropower renewable energy-diesel hybrid power industrial cogeneration district heating cooked stoves book

5649 Clean waters and agriculture - We can have it both ways. waters erosion runoff waterways filtration drainage ditches serials agriculture magazine

8578 Cleaning honeycombs with ozone. honeycombs ozone honeybees

Suszkiw, Jan

serials agriculture magazine

3229 Clearing up some misconceptions: open access vs. common property

Pomeroy, R.S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

9636 Client Service : Improving Client Service and Establishing a Strong Client Focus Ver. 1. business and trade plants and animals fisheries and environment biosecurity research industry development forestry lifestyle DPI web pages cd

13988 Climate action report 2018 climate change; mainstreaming tools; climate risks; climate finance tracking; impact assessments; SECAP; CREFA; Asia and the Pacific; Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean

Soma Chakrabarti


626 Climate and food security food security agricultural research crops yields climatic variability food crops agricultural production climate modeling economic adjustments climate change water resources book