List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9375 Co-op fattens up meat production through S&T. processed meat products

Ducusin, Geraldine B.

serials agriculture magazine

5475 Co-op members now the envy of other women. heifer cooperatives cows milk income

Pablico, S.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

6126 Co-op produces achara from seaweed. seaweeds pickle achara

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

4220 Co-op survives insurmountable odds in Quirino Province. DICREDECO cooperative assets services

Aldaba, A.O.

serials agriculture

7745 Co-op turns banana rejects into flour, feeds and fertilizer. banana flour organic fertilizer feeds cooperatives

Embuscado, Erwin S.

serials agriculture magazine

5191 CO2-greenhouse gas-reducing potentials of some ecological agriculture practices in the Philippine landscape. biomass recycling carbon dioxide composting ecological agriculture energy food production food systems forest ecosystems fossil fuels greenhouse gas green manure mechanized agriculture mulching photosynthesis postharvest handling

Mendoza, T.C.

serials philippine journal of crop science

4930 Coal briquettes for poultry brooding. Brooding houses : Animal housing heating coal briquettes serials agriculture

9288 Coalition aims to boost local abaca industry. abaca abaca industry

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

1629 Coastal and inland salt-affected soils in Thailand : Their characteristics and improvement. Saline soils salt and water movements chemical properties physical properties soil amelioration soil fertility nutritional factors water stress crop growth

Yasuo Takai; Toshihide Nagano; Makoto Kimura; Jiro Sugi; Sorasith Vacharotayan (eds.)


2404 Coastal and marine environmental management: Proceedings of a workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 March 1995. environmental management marine coastal mangroves tourism marine oil pollution control book