List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3913 Coconut oil extraction on farmer cooperative level. Coconut oil expeller oil extraction

Daub, M.; Villaruel, R.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3926 Coconut oil in health and disease : Its and monolaurin's potential as cure for HIV/AIDS. Its and monolaurin's potential as cure for HIV/AIDS. Coconut oil antiviral HIV

Dayrit, C.S.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3859 Coconut oil revisited. Coconut oil lipids

Dayrit, Conrado S.; Florentino, Rodolfo; Blackburn, George L.; Mascioli, Edward; Babayan, Vigen K.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3921 Coconut oil: An antibacterial, antiviral ingredient for food, nutrition, and health. Coconut oil antimicrobial properties antiviral properties lauric oils lauric acid monolaurin antibacterial properties antiprotozoal properties heart disease

Enig, M.G.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

2484 Coconut oil: Issues and prospects. coconut oil fats human diseases coronary artery disease blood pressure cancer lymphoma insulin

Florentino, Rodolfo F.; Santos, Perla D. (eds.)


3863 Coconut proteins : Excerpts from coconut as food. Coconut protein flour coconut milk noodles sausage product

Gonzales, Olympia N.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

2237 Coconut revival: New possibilities for the 'tree of life' : Proceedings of the International Coconut Forum held in Cairns, Australia, 22-24 November 2005. coconut research and development tissue culture coconut oil health virgin coconut oil production biofuel products Indonesia Queensland

Adkins, S.W.; Foale, M.; Samosir, Y.M.S. (eds.)


5886 Coconut sugar good for the health. coconut coconut sap sugar diabetes coconut nectar coco honey coco flour nutrients

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

3906 Coconut toddy tapping in the Visayas : Enigmas and observations. Enigmas and observations. Coconut tapping practices

Santiago, R.M.; Virtudazo, M.S.J.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3849 Coconut toddy yield in relation to leaf water status and some climatic factors. Coconut toddy yield

Santiago, Rebecco M.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies