ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11112 | Communicating the benefits of functional foods. | functional foods generic bio-engineered fruits | Schmidt, David B. |
biotech | reprinted from chemtech, v. 27(12), dec 1997: p. 40-44 |
13002 | Communicating your research with social media: A practical guide to using blogs, podcasts, data visualisations and video | social media, history, politics, campaigning, business, education, research, digital scholarship | Mollett, Amy; Brumley, Cheryl; Gilson, Chris; Williams, Sierra |
purch |
11855 | Communication analysis of the utilization of cotton integrated pest in management technology in the Philippines | development communication cotton integrated pest management Philippines | Tejada, Gamaliel D. |
theses |
2387 | Communication and culture, conflict and cohesion. | communication analysis environmental conflict advocacy peace insurgency language indigenous people convergence model | Flor, Alexander G. (ed.) |
book |
12159 | Communication and inter-organizational collaboration in fisheries development project in Cambodia | development communication Communication inter-organizational collaboration fisheries Cambodia | Prum Somany |
theses |
12447 | Communication and interagency linkages for sustainable agriculture in the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. | communication inter-agency linkages technology information sharing CARDI DAE Cambodia | Prum Somany |
theses |
12305 | Communication and interagency participation in the sustainable development of Royal projects in Thailand, 1997. | development communication Mass media interagency participation sustainable development mass communication communication Thailand | Kanokrat Intaratat |
theses |
12164 | Communication and socio-cultural determinants of social and physical adaptability among Indonesian transmigrants | development communication transmigrants communication sustainability agricultural productivity | Djuara Pangihutan Lubis |
theses |
15338 | Communication and uptake pathways in the adoption of a corn variety with perceived herbicide tolerance in Mindanao, Philippines | communication; uptake pathways; adoption; perceived herbicide tolerant corn; roundup-ready Bt corn; sigue-sigue; crop biotechnology; transgenics | Alviola, Ulderico B. |
theses |
11742 | Communication behavior among dairy farmers of Sta. Maria, Bulacan | development communication Dairy farmers Bulacan Philippines | Ismail Pulungan |
theses |