List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11112 Communicating the benefits of functional foods. functional foods generic bio-engineered fruits

Schmidt, David B.

biotech reprinted from chemtech, v. 27(12), dec 1997: p. 40-44

13002 Communicating your research with social media: A practical guide to using blogs, podcasts, data visualisations and video social media, history, politics, campaigning, business, education, research, digital scholarship

Mollett, Amy; Brumley, Cheryl; Gilson, Chris; Williams, Sierra


11855 Communication analysis of the utilization of cotton integrated pest in management technology in the Philippines development communication cotton integrated pest management Philippines

Tejada, Gamaliel D.


2387 Communication and culture, conflict and cohesion. communication analysis environmental conflict advocacy peace insurgency language indigenous people convergence model

Flor, Alexander G. (ed.)


12159 Communication and inter-organizational collaboration in fisheries development project in Cambodia development communication Communication inter-organizational collaboration fisheries Cambodia

Prum Somany


12447 Communication and interagency linkages for sustainable agriculture in the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. communication inter-agency linkages technology information sharing CARDI DAE Cambodia

Prum Somany


12305 Communication and interagency participation in the sustainable development of Royal projects in Thailand, 1997. development communication Mass media interagency participation sustainable development mass communication communication Thailand

Kanokrat Intaratat


12164 Communication and socio-cultural determinants of social and physical adaptability among Indonesian transmigrants development communication transmigrants communication sustainability agricultural productivity

Djuara Pangihutan Lubis


15338 Communication and uptake pathways in the adoption of a corn variety with perceived herbicide tolerance in Mindanao, Philippines communication; uptake pathways; adoption; perceived herbicide tolerant corn; roundup-ready Bt corn; sigue-sigue; crop biotechnology; transgenics

Alviola, Ulderico B.


11742 Communication behavior among dairy farmers of Sta. Maria, Bulacan development communication Dairy farmers Bulacan Philippines

Ismail Pulungan
