List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12707 Community development methods toward food security: The system of rice intensification in Zumalai Sub-District, Covalima, Timor-Leste. food security system of rice intensification rice production livestock raising

Ergilio Ferreira Vicente


14427 Community development methods toward food security: The system of rice intensification in Zumalai Subdistrict, Covalima, Timor-Leste community development methods; food security; System of Rice Intensification

Vicente, Ergilio Ferreira; Dizon, Josefina T.

serials the journal of public affairs and development

12531 Community dialogue, collective action, and social change in community integrated pest management in a selected village in Cambodia. communication, participation, dialogue, collective action, integrated pest management, farmer field school, adoption, social change, social pressure, leadership,

Ker Monthivuth


16235 Community dynamics and ecological sensibility for sustainable mangrove governance in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia devolution; power relations; consensus; collective action; identity validation; reciprocity; social responsiveness; ecological sensibility

Meilasari-Sugiana, Astrid

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

12736 Community dynamics in natural governance: building adaptive management capacity towards ecological sustainability. natural resource ecological sustainability complex social building adaptive management

Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana


12762 Community enterprise development as a strategy towards self-reliance among farmers in Surin province, Thailand. extension education; communication delivery system; self-reliance; diffusion of innovation; agricultural extension

Chalinee Somthawin


3347 Community fisheries management of freshwater lakes in Bangladesh

Middendorp, H.A.J.; Hasan, Md. R.; Apu, N.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14780 Community forestry enterprise development in Myanmar through socially responsible business approaches community forestry enterprise; legal; natural resource management; environment; market; finance; social; cultural; technology; Myanmar

Greijmans, Martin; Gritten, David; Naing, Aung Kyaw; Htun, Khin Thiri; Atkinson, Julian


14824 Community forestry participatory assessment: A guide for practitioners social forestry; participatory assessment tools; community forestry

Dahlström, Jonas; Youngpatana, Pratya; Gritten, David; Hayward, Daniel


14826 Community forestry-based climate change adaptation climate change adaptation; community forestry; vulnerability assessment; gender; social difference; equity weblinks