ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3236 | Common property regimes | Pomeroy, R.S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly, v. 17(2) |
5713 | Common table salt is a cheap fertilizer. | salt sodium chloride fertilizer coconut ammonium sulfate yield | serials | agriculture magazine |
2817 | Common underwater plants in coastal areas of Thailand. | Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Charophyta Tracheophyta | Tsutsui, Isao; Hamano, Kaoru; Aue-Umneoy, Dusit; Songphatkaew, Jaruwan; Srisapoome, Prapansak; Ruangsomboon, Suneerat; Klomkling, Sirimas |
book | jircas international agriculture series no. 21 |
2589 | Commons vs. commons: Managing scarce water resources in dry zone village tank systems in Sri Lanka. | water resources rainfall surface water groundwater water scarcity water management sustainability property rights integrated management systems | Senaratne, Athula; Wickramasinghe, Kanchana |
book | eepsea research report no. 2010-rr13 |
7695 | Communicating and using seasonal climate forecasts: A challenge crossing national, organizational and disciplinary boundaries. | climate forecasts El Niño Southern Oscillation decisionmaking | Hayman, Peter; Liguton, Jennifer P.T. |
serials | philippine journal of development |
10784 | Communicating biotechnology : Conquering the fear of the unknown. | risk assessment biosafety biotechnology Cartagena protocol food security genetic engineering genetically modified | Howden, Julie |
biotech |
13603 | Communicating climate change in the rice sector | climate change; rice production; information sharing; high school curriculum; technologies; information sources; PhilRice | Manalo, Jaime A. IV; Bautista, Anna Marie F.; Berto, Jayson C.; Hallares, Rommel T.; Saludez, Fredierick M.; Villaflor-Mesa, Jennifer |
book |
12156 | Communicating indigenous knowledge and practices for sustainable upland agriculture in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines | development communication indigenous knowledge upland Nueva Vizcaya | Seco, Catalina Z. |
theses |
11193 | Communicating information about food biotechnology. | biotechnology genetically modified foods food safety food production food labeling | Howden, Julie |
biotech |
12386 | Communicating sustainability constructs among researchers and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) farmers in Laguna, Philippines. | development communication tomato : Lycopersicon esculentum communicating sustainability | Matienzo, Edna Luisa A. |
theses |