List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3236 Common property regimes

Pomeroy, R.S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly, v. 17(2)

5713 Common table salt is a cheap fertilizer. salt sodium chloride fertilizer coconut ammonium sulfate yield serials agriculture magazine

2817 Common underwater plants in coastal areas of Thailand. Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Charophyta Tracheophyta

Tsutsui, Isao; Hamano, Kaoru; Aue-Umneoy, Dusit; Songphatkaew, Jaruwan; Srisapoome, Prapansak; Ruangsomboon, Suneerat; Klomkling, Sirimas

book jircas international agriculture series no. 21

2589 Commons vs. commons: Managing scarce water resources in dry zone village tank systems in Sri Lanka. water resources rainfall surface water groundwater water scarcity water management sustainability property rights integrated management systems

Senaratne, Athula; Wickramasinghe, Kanchana

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr13

7695 Communicating and using seasonal climate forecasts: A challenge crossing national, organizational and disciplinary boundaries. climate forecasts El Niño Southern Oscillation decisionmaking

Hayman, Peter; Liguton, Jennifer P.T.

serials philippine journal of development

10784 Communicating biotechnology : Conquering the fear of the unknown. risk assessment biosafety biotechnology Cartagena protocol food security genetic engineering genetically modified

Howden, Julie


13603 Communicating climate change in the rice sector climate change; rice production; information sharing; high school curriculum; technologies; information sources; PhilRice

Manalo, Jaime A. IV; Bautista, Anna Marie F.; Berto, Jayson C.; Hallares, Rommel T.; Saludez, Fredierick M.; Villaflor-Mesa, Jennifer


12156 Communicating indigenous knowledge and practices for sustainable upland agriculture in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines development communication indigenous knowledge upland Nueva Vizcaya

Seco, Catalina Z.


11193 Communicating information about food biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified foods food safety food production food labeling

Howden, Julie


12386 Communicating sustainability constructs among researchers and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) farmers in Laguna, Philippines. development communication tomato : Lycopersicon esculentum communicating sustainability

Matienzo, Edna Luisa A.
