List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3181 Coconut wood furniture production - a research note. Furniture Coconut wood furniture production

Peñamora, L.J.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

3870 Coconut-based beverages : Excerpts from coconut as food. Excerpts from coconut as food. Coconut water beverages carbonated coconut milk coconut oil coconut skim milk

Gonzalez, Olympia N.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

855 Coconut-based farming systems Cocos nucifera Farming systems Small farms Farm income Multiple cropping book pcarrd book series no.146

1374 Coconut: production and utilization coconut production utilization germination selection plant breeding plant nutrition fertilizer application plantation management intercropping pests of plants plant diseases harvesting copra dessicated coconut coconut milk coconut flour coconut oil coconut shell husk coconut water sap

Banzon, J.A.; Velasco, J.R.


10447 Coconut: The Philippines' money tree. coconut history biodiesel virgin coconut oil farmer coconut industry Coconut Palace varieties products uses

Labadan, Renato M.


8397 Coconuts against climate change. coconut climate change crops

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

9369 Cocosugar production seen as a 'Sunrise Industry'. coconut sap sugar cacao

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5604 CocoTech converts coconut husk into cash. coconut husks uses coconut coir erosion control cocopeat bioengineering fascines livelihood cocopot geotextiles cocogreen

Abello, M.M.

serials agriculture

5689 Code for responsible aquafeed manufacturing and utilization feeds feed management feeding rates

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture

10198 Code of ethics for professional accountants in the Philippines and code of corporate governance. accountants ethics competence confidentiality tax practice publicity fees and commissions advertising solicitation loyalty purch