ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3478 | Communication disruption for control of the Beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner), with synthetic sex pheromone | Beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua Sex pheromone | Sadao Wakamura; Mikio Takai |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
12362 | Communication factors associated with farmer knowledge and perceptions of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn technology in Bukidnon, Philippines. | development communication corn technology Bt : Bacillus thuringiensis | Dinampo, Ele E. |
theses |
10919 | Communication guidelines for a better understanding of biotechnology issues | biotechnology health nutrition food safety communication guidelines genetically modified crops | biotech |
16365 | Communication initiatives and the socio-cultural construction of disaster risk in a riverine community in Infanta, Quezon, Philippines | riverine community; communication initiatives; disaster risk; socio-cultural construction; cultural risk communication framework; Philippines | Lavadia, Kamla Zyra G. |
theses |
11772 | Communication network and some factors in agricultural technology adoption | Communication networks agricultural technology technology adoption Thailand | Narong Sompong |
theses |
12289 | Communication network of farmers in the sloping lands of Maria Paz, Tanauan, Batangas and their adoption behavior toward soil conservation | development communication Communication network farmers sloping lands adoption behavior soil conservation Batangas Philippines | Floresca, Ofelia E. |
theses |
10102 | Communication of scientific and technical information. | communication science communication scientific information information storage information retrieval database knowledge management scientific literature writing science and technology materials editing scientific journals scientific publishing | Velasco, Ma. Theresa H.; Moran, Antonio G.; Sison, Josephine C.; Flor, Alexander G. |
purch |
12761 | Communication pattern on the diffusion of transgenic potato seed at Garut and Pangalengan. | communication pattern farmer's assessment diffusion of innovation GM potato genetically modified products biotechnology | Tika Tresnawati |
theses |
9961 | Communication research in the Philippines: Issues and methods. | content analysis reception analysis field research internet communications ICT organizational climate research field research methods Contemporary Social Research communication | Pernia, E.E. |
purch |
12395 | Communication strategies for sustainable development of community business for women farmer groups in the central region of Thailand. | development communication communication strategy community organization community participation business women information sources sustainability Thailand | Choawalak Chaiwirattana |
theses |