List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10095 Community-based communication: a new approach to development communication. development communication rice farming knowledge practices community-based communication model

Genilo, Jude William R.


15981 Community-based ecotourism: Livelihood cum adaptation strategy for Kampong Speu province, Cambodia natural resource management; ecotourism; climate change; Cambodia

Bun Chan Meta

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2011 1-3

1749 Community-based fire management : Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. fire management forest fires China Gambia Honduras India Lao PDR Turkey book

2454 Community-based management of coastal resources. community-based resource management sustainable development coastal fisheries management nongovernmental organizations local government units participatory appraisal San Miguel Bay Aklan Bidani Project Philippines

Siason, Ida M.; Subade, Rodelio F. (eds.)


4798 Community-based marine protected areas in the Bohol (Mindanao) Sea, Philippines. marine protected areas coastal resources community-based approach marine reserves Philippines

Indab, J.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

9639 Community-based Natural Resource Management in the Mountainous Area of Guizhou Province (China). natural resource management Guizhou China food and nutrition health rural community agriculture forest land resource management livestock and poultry waste and grassland industrial management system cd

1155 Community-based resource management in the Philippines: Perspectives and experiences mining irrigation community-based resource management

Sajise, Percy E.


1471 Community-based resource management: Perspectives, experiences and policy issues. resource-based communities community-based resource management policies forestry upland development coastal resources management mines development irrigation San Pablo Palawan

Fellizar, F.P. (ed.)

book ermp reports no. 6

9640 Community-Based Sustainable Tourism : Guidebook. community-based sustainable tourism capacity building information education and communication linkage and networking policies development biodiversity biological environment cd

2329 Community-based sustainable tourism guidebook. community-based sustainable tourism monitoring and evaluation SWOT analysis ecological profile cost benefit analysis impact assessment book