List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7560 Comparison of Four Data Transformation Methods for Weibull Distributed Data. data transformation error function transformation dual power transformation exponential transformation box and cox transformation

Thunyaporn Chortirat; Boonorm Chomtee; Juthaphorn Sinsomboonthong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14106 Comparison of gut tight junction gene expression in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice after chronic social defeat stress food; claudin; elevated plus-maze test; social interaction test

Naoko Yamagishi; Yasuhiro Omata; Ayako Aoki-Yoshida; Naoko Moriya; Tatsuhiko Goto; Atsushi Toyoda; Reiji Aoki; Chise Suzuki; Yoshiharu Takayama

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14499 Comparison of indigenous and scientific knowledge on soil classification among farmers in Imugan, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines agroforestry; tree-based farming; analytical hierarchical process; crop selection; indigenous knowledge; farmers; soil classification; Nueva Vizcaya

Martin; Hannie T.

serials journal of environmental science and management

12766 Comparison of indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge on land use selection of Ikalahan farmers in Imugan, Sta. Fe, Nueva Vizcaya. soil classification land use management cropping patterns land use selection land classification system crop suitability indigenous knowledge scientific knowledge

Martin, Hannie T.


5248 Comparison of iron absorption - inhibited substances in local Thai vegetables. vegetables local Thai vegetables iron absorption risk chemicals

Puminat, W.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4045 Comparison of meristic variations and bone abnormalities between wild and laboratory-reared red sea bream. aquaculture Pagrus major fin ray meristic variations bone abnormalities

Matsuoka, Masanobu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

11809 Comparison of muridae populations in two different habitats at Bang Phra Reservoir non-hunting area wildlife studies Muridae habitats population size Thailand

Jintana Pinnoy


14004 Comparison of selected milk production traits of Simmental and Polish Black-and-White cows raised in the buffer zone of Ujscie Warty National Park Simmentals; Polish Black and White breed; milk yield; somatic cell count; value corrected milk; energy corrected milk; cows

Sablik, Piotr, Szewczuk, Malgorzata; Janus, Ewa; Skrzypiec, Anna

serials landbauforschung applied agricultural and forestry research

15347 Comparison of self-reported consumer liking with facial expression recognition technique on yoghurt with different protein bases yoghurt; consumer acceptability; sensory evaluation; facial expression recognition

Saturno, Patrizia Camille O.


15170 Comparison of several mycorrhizal inoculants for improving the growth, nutrient status, and associated microbial population of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus urophylla Acacia mangium; Eucalyptus urophylla; biofertilizers; nitrogen-fixing bacteria; mind-out area; mycorrhizal inoculants; growth; nutrients

Victoria, Kristel S.; Jomao-as, Joshua G.; Aggangan, Nelly S.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources