ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7560 | Comparison of Four Data Transformation Methods for Weibull Distributed Data. | data transformation error function transformation dual power transformation exponential transformation box and cox transformation | Thunyaporn Chortirat; Boonorm Chomtee; Juthaphorn Sinsomboonthong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
14106 | Comparison of gut tight junction gene expression in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice after chronic social defeat stress | food; claudin; elevated plus-maze test; social interaction test | Naoko Yamagishi; Yasuhiro Omata; Ayako Aoki-Yoshida; Naoko Moriya; Tatsuhiko Goto; Atsushi Toyoda; Reiji Aoki; Chise Suzuki; Yoshiharu Takayama |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
14499 | Comparison of indigenous and scientific knowledge on soil classification among farmers in Imugan, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines | agroforestry; tree-based farming; analytical hierarchical process; crop selection; indigenous knowledge; farmers; soil classification; Nueva Vizcaya | Martin; Hannie T. |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |
12766 | Comparison of indigenous knowledge and scientific knowledge on land use selection of Ikalahan farmers in Imugan, Sta. Fe, Nueva Vizcaya. | soil classification land use management cropping patterns land use selection land classification system crop suitability indigenous knowledge scientific knowledge | Martin, Hannie T. |
theses |
5248 | Comparison of iron absorption - inhibited substances in local Thai vegetables. | vegetables local Thai vegetables iron absorption risk chemicals | Puminat, W. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4045 | Comparison of meristic variations and bone abnormalities between wild and laboratory-reared red sea bream. | aquaculture Pagrus major fin ray meristic variations bone abnormalities | Matsuoka, Masanobu |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
11809 | Comparison of muridae populations in two different habitats at Bang Phra Reservoir non-hunting area | wildlife studies Muridae habitats population size Thailand | Jintana Pinnoy |
theses |
14004 | Comparison of selected milk production traits of Simmental and Polish Black-and-White cows raised in the buffer zone of Ujscie Warty National Park | Simmentals; Polish Black and White breed; milk yield; somatic cell count; value corrected milk; energy corrected milk; cows | Sablik, Piotr, Szewczuk, Malgorzata; Janus, Ewa; Skrzypiec, Anna |
serials | landbauforschung applied agricultural and forestry research |
15347 | Comparison of self-reported consumer liking with facial expression recognition technique on yoghurt with different protein bases | yoghurt; consumer acceptability; sensory evaluation; facial expression recognition | Saturno, Patrizia Camille O. |
theses |
15170 | Comparison of several mycorrhizal inoculants for improving the growth, nutrient status, and associated microbial population of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus urophylla | Acacia mangium; Eucalyptus urophylla; biofertilizers; nitrogen-fixing bacteria; mind-out area; mycorrhizal inoculants; growth; nutrients | Victoria, Kristel S.; Jomao-as, Joshua G.; Aggangan, Nelly S. |
serials | sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources |