ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
961 | Conducting on-farm animal research: Procedures and economic analysis | animal research farming systems technology design animal production small farms livestock economic benefits animal feeds marketing products prices risks | Pervaiz Amir; Knipscheer, Hendrick C. |
book |
10618 | Conducting workplace investigations. | investigative interviews, | Garber, Peter R. |
purch | hr skill series |
14185 | Confectionery peanut production | peanut production; seed preparation; planting; harvesting; postharvest; cost and return analysis | Aquino, R.M.G; Lorenzana, O.J.; Caranguian, L.M.; Nerona, N.A.; Fortin, V.J.V. |
serials | information bulletin no. 26/2013 |
8180 | Confidence in teaching mathematics among Malaysian pre-service teachers. | pre-service teachers' mathematics education | Yunus, Aida Suraya Md.; Hamzah, Ramlah; Ismail, Habsah; Husain, Sharifah Kartini S.; Ismail, Mat R. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
5371 | Conflict resolution through co-management: A case study from Thailand. | fisheries co-management coastal resources village leaders conflict management community-based management fishery jurisdiction Thailand | Pomeroy, R.S. |
serials | tropical coasts |
12212 | Confluence of some ecological factors to nutrition knowledge and attitudes of husbands/wives in Lampung Province, Indonesia. | ecological factors nutrition knowledge Lampung Province Indonesia community development | Emir A.A. Siregar |
theses |
11677 | Confluence of some factors in student teaching on attitude toward teaching of student teachers: a case in Indonesia. | agricultural education teachers Indonesia | Waysima |
theses |
1237 | Conformational analysis: Scope and present limitations. | nuclear magnetic resonance nitrogen heterocycles | Chiurdoglu, G. (ed.) |
book |
4714 | Congressman promotes mangosteen and longkong in Agusan. | mangosteen longkong fruits health benefits human nutrition | serials | agriculture |
10842 | Connecting people to the promise of biotech : Update of the ISAAA fellowship program in Africa and Southeast Asia. | Update of the ISAAA fellowship program in Africa and Southeast Asia. | biotechnology papaya ringspot virus biosafety capacity building Africa SEA | Alvarez, David P. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 15 |