List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
961 Conducting on-farm animal research: Procedures and economic analysis animal research farming systems technology design animal production small farms livestock economic benefits animal feeds marketing products prices risks

Pervaiz Amir; Knipscheer, Hendrick C.


10618 Conducting workplace investigations. investigative interviews,

Garber, Peter R.

purch hr skill series

14185 Confectionery peanut production peanut production; seed preparation; planting; harvesting; postharvest; cost and return analysis

Aquino, R.M.G; Lorenzana, O.J.; Caranguian, L.M.; Nerona, N.A.; Fortin, V.J.V.

serials information bulletin no. 26/2013

8180 Confidence in teaching mathematics among Malaysian pre-service teachers. pre-service teachers' mathematics education

Yunus, Aida Suraya Md.; Hamzah, Ramlah; Ismail, Habsah; Husain, Sharifah Kartini S.; Ismail, Mat R.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5371 Conflict resolution through co-management: A case study from Thailand. fisheries co-management coastal resources village leaders conflict management community-based management fishery jurisdiction Thailand

Pomeroy, R.S.

serials tropical coasts

12212 Confluence of some ecological factors to nutrition knowledge and attitudes of husbands/wives in Lampung Province, Indonesia. ecological factors nutrition knowledge Lampung Province Indonesia community development

Emir A.A. Siregar


11677 Confluence of some factors in student teaching on attitude toward teaching of student teachers: a case in Indonesia. agricultural education teachers Indonesia



1237 Conformational analysis: Scope and present limitations. nuclear magnetic resonance nitrogen heterocycles

Chiurdoglu, G. (ed.)


4714 Congressman promotes mangosteen and longkong in Agusan. mangosteen longkong fruits health benefits human nutrition serials agriculture

10842 Connecting people to the promise of biotech : Update of the ISAAA fellowship program in Africa and Southeast Asia. Update of the ISAAA fellowship program in Africa and Southeast Asia. biotechnology papaya ringspot virus biosafety capacity building Africa SEA

Alvarez, David P.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15