List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8507 Conserving the dwindling water supply for irrigation in the dry season. irrigation tillage dry season

Biag, HHM M.

serials agriculture magazine

853 Conserving the wild relatives of crops crop plants genes wild species genebanks genetic uniformity

Hoyt, Erich


4759 Consistency between beliefs and teaching practices of mathematics teachers in Bukidnon. teaching practices mathematics training program beliefs Philippines

Penaso, A.M.; Prado, N.I.

serials cmu journal of science

1097 Consistency of foodstuffs liquid foods gel-like foods fibriform foods cellularform foods edible oils powdered foods sensory assessment viscosity elasticity texture

Toshimaro Sone


7941 Consistent time series of data to model volatile solids and nitrogen axcretions of poultry 3b. Broilers. Modelling using official statistical data. broiler VS excretion N excretion

Haenel, Hans D.; Dammge, Ulrich

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

7932 Consistent time series of data to model volatile solids and nitrogen excretions of poultry 3a. Broilers. Fattening procedures and animal properties. broiler VS excretion N excretion ammonia emission inventory

Haenel, Hans D.; Dammgen, Ulrich

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

555 Constraints and opportunities for diversification in a rice-based farming system Plant production Animal production Farming systems beef cattle production livestock production

Harippriya Karunaratne

book farming systems analysis paper no.11(e)

2494 Constraints to high yields on Asian rice farms: An interim report. rice biological constraints socioeconomic constraints technology book

2500 Constraints, opportunities, and innovations for wet seeded rice. rice wet seeded rice production cultivation disease control insect control direct seeding green manure weed management herbicide weed control root growth

Moody, K.

book irri discussion paper series no. 10

16528 Constructing modern Asian citizenship citizenship; education; attitudes; youth

Vickers, Edward; Kumar, Krishna (Eds.)
