ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
5366 | Connecting young environmentalists: Riding the waves of information technology into a sustainable environment. | internet youth websites environment | Custodio, K.R. |
serials | tropical coasts |
2917 | Consequences of Bt cotton technology importation in the Philippines. | cotton industry economics seeds farm level analysis social benefits genetically modified products | Chupungco, Agnes R.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.) |
book |
10697 | Consequences of classical plant breeding for pest resistance. | pest resistance plant breeding | Duvick, Donald N. |
biotech |
14834 | Conservation agriculture for a climate-resilient and sustainable upland agriculture: A success story from a seventeen-year local program in northern Vietnam | conservation agriculture; climate resilience; sustainable upland agriculture; environmental impacts; economic impacts; social impacts; Vietnam | Bui, Le Vinh; Nguyen, Hai Nui; Nguyen, Tuan Cuong; Nguyen, Duc Trung; Trieu, Hong Lua; Doan, Thanh Thuy; Nguyen, Duc Tung; Vu, Thanh Bien; Nguyen, Thu Ha |
weblinks | ccafs info note |
2938 | Conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia and beyond. | conservation agriculture practices extension erosion prevention methods maize production conservation agriculture research analytic hierarchy process uplands environmental conservation carbon sequestration cross cutting research soil carbon dynamics legume integrtion | Mulvaney, Michael J.; Reyes, Manuel R.; Halbrendt, Catherine C.; Boulakia, Stephane; Kaesorn Jumpa; Chinapatana Sukvibool; Samran Sombatpanit |
book | waswac special publication no. 7 |
15546 | Conservation agriculture: A biological engineering approach to sustainable agriculture in support of rural development in Southeast Asia - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph 1 | conservation agriculture; biological engineering; sustainable agriculture; rural development; professorial chair | Ella, Victor B. |
book |
2093 | Conservation and ecological management of Philippine lakes in relation to fisheries and aquaculture. | lakes ecological awareness sustainable development aquaculture practices bathymetry hydrobiology eutrophication parasitic crustaceans zooplankton tilapia stock assessment fish culture Mistichthys luzonensis Sinarapan Sardinella tawilis ecological assessment cage culture man-made lake freshwater red alga environmental assessment | book |
10351 | Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity: A sourcebook. | agricultural biodiversity genetic diversity gender local knowledge participatory approaches livestock aquatic resources policies legal frameworks conservation incentives intellectual property rights international treaties farmer participation tribal women | purch |
1114 | Conservation ethic as a conscience of Philippine society | Philippines natural resources conservation | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
13592 | Conservation milestones of the critically endangered Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis Schmidt 1935) | Philippine crocodile; Crocodylus mindorensis; conservation; historical account | Manalo, Rainier I.; Tabayag, Erickson A.; Baltazar, Philip C. |
serials | sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources |