List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
401 Conservation of biological diversity in the Philippines biodiversity sustainable development book pcarrd book series no.132

1781 Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management: Principles and concepts. genetic diversity ecosystem conservation regeneration silviculture timber harvesting protected areas book fao forestry paper 107

11719 Conservation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) forage and its utilization by ruminants rice Oryza sativa forage ruminants Indonesia



6469 Conservation Tillage and Crop Rotation: Concomitant Systems to Incorporate Tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) Production with Sustainability : in the Dryland Oromia. in the Dryland Oromia. concomitant conservation tillage monoculture rotation sustainable

Worku Burayu; Sombat Chinaowong; Rungsit Suwanketnikom; Thongchai Mala; Sunanta Juntakool

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4207 Conservation tillage gives record yields. non-inversion deep tillage conservation tillage cotton serials agriculture

6327 Conserve mangroves, earn money thru aquasilvi. mangroves mangrove aquaculture

Prudencio, Max

serials agriculture magazine

10363 Conserving living natural resources : In the context of a changing world. natural resources conservation habitats pest species population growth extinction restoration species habitat alteration protection

Weddel, Bertie Josephson


5382 Conserving migratory species through ecoregion conservation approach: The case of sea turtles in Sulu-Sulawesi marine ecoregion. ecoregion conservation turtles

Trono, R.B.; Cantos, J.A.B.

serials tropical coasts

9253 Conserving our marine fisheries with closed fishing seasons. fishing industry municipal fishers commercial fishers pelagic fishes conservation measure

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

6004 Conserving sago palm through in vitro technique. sago Metroxylon sagu in vitro culture Benzylaminopurine

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine