List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8148 Continuous professional learning through school based strategic planning. science school based teacher development

Tytler, Russel

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

12233 Continuous-flow ethanol fermentation in tubular fermenters agricultural chemistry ethanols fermentation tubular fermenters molasses Thailand

Vilai Santisopasri


3843 Continuous-flow production of candida yeast using nutrient-supplemented coconut water. Coconut water yeast production nucleic acid

Del Rosario, E.J.; Reyes, C.S.; Malones, R.A.; Papa, G.M.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

5768 Continuous-flow rice husk gasifier for small-scale thermal application. rice husk gasifier features equipment

Belonio, Alexis T.

serials agriculture magazine

4218 Contouring is key to conserving the soil of a hilly terrain. contour cultivation SALT-NVS Sloping Agriculture Land Technology

Gaspar, K.M.

serials agriculture

16158 Contract farming through tea-horticulture intercropping system: A case study of Gambung Estate and horticultural farmers in Bandung, Indonesia contract farming; horticulture; intercropping; partnership; tea

Sita, Kralawi; Rosyadi, Achmad Imron; Aji, Tri Maruto

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

11757 Contractors' profile and perception of the contract reforestation program in the Province of Tarlac, Philippines reforestation contractors Tarlac Philippines

Soriano, Marietta C.


14985 Contracts in commercial agriculture: Enhancing rural producer agency commercial agriculture; contracts; value chain governance; public regulation

Cotula, Lorenzo; Blackmore, Emma; Berger, Thierry


15435 Contribution of agriculture to climate change and low-emission agricultural development in Asia and the Pacific agriculture; climate change, low-emission agricultural development; livestock; forest; land use; mitigation measures; Asia and the Pacific

Aryal, Jeetendra P.

weblinks adbi working paper series no. 1340

10970 Contribution of GM Technology to the LIvestock Sector genetically modified : GM livestock products feed grains transgenic crops mycotoxins safety assessment biotech pocket k