ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8148 | Continuous professional learning through school based strategic planning. | science school based teacher development | Tytler, Russel |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
12233 | Continuous-flow ethanol fermentation in tubular fermenters | agricultural chemistry ethanols fermentation tubular fermenters molasses Thailand | Vilai Santisopasri |
theses |
3843 | Continuous-flow production of candida yeast using nutrient-supplemented coconut water. | Coconut water yeast production nucleic acid | Del Rosario, E.J.; Reyes, C.S.; Malones, R.A.; Papa, G.M. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
5768 | Continuous-flow rice husk gasifier for small-scale thermal application. | rice husk gasifier features equipment | Belonio, Alexis T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4218 | Contouring is key to conserving the soil of a hilly terrain. | contour cultivation SALT-NVS Sloping Agriculture Land Technology | Gaspar, K.M. |
serials | agriculture |
16158 | Contract farming through tea-horticulture intercropping system: A case study of Gambung Estate and horticultural farmers in Bandung, Indonesia | contract farming; horticulture; intercropping; partnership; tea | Sita, Kralawi; Rosyadi, Achmad Imron; Aji, Tri Maruto |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
11757 | Contractors' profile and perception of the contract reforestation program in the Province of Tarlac, Philippines | reforestation contractors Tarlac Philippines | Soriano, Marietta C. |
theses |
14985 | Contracts in commercial agriculture: Enhancing rural producer agency | commercial agriculture; contracts; value chain governance; public regulation | Cotula, Lorenzo; Blackmore, Emma; Berger, Thierry |
weblinks |
15435 | Contribution of agriculture to climate change and low-emission agricultural development in Asia and the Pacific | agriculture; climate change, low-emission agricultural development; livestock; forest; land use; mitigation measures; Asia and the Pacific | Aryal, Jeetendra P. |
weblinks | adbi working paper series no. 1340 |
10970 | Contribution of GM Technology to the LIvestock Sector | genetically modified : GM livestock products feed grains transgenic crops mycotoxins safety assessment | biotech | pocket k |