ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8612 | Consumers to enjoy nutrient-rich in the future. | rice biotechnology | Bumanlag, Rowena G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14736 | Consumption of selected agricultural commodities in the Philippines: Volume 2 – By barangay classification | consumption; agricultural commodities; barangays; Philippines | weblinks |
8335 | Consumption of vegetables among adolescents in non-coed dormitories at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. | adolescents consumption vegetables | Barrion, Aimee Sheree A.; Castro, Verginia J. |
serials | journal of human ecology |
4507 | Consumption to biomass (Q/B) ratio and estimates of Q/B-predictor parameters for Caribbean fishes. | consumption biomass fish stocks fishes species | Garcia, C.B.; Duarte, L.O. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
70 | Contagion: how the Asian crisis spread. | currency crises financial channels trade links | Walker, Christopher W. |
book | edrc briefing notes number 3 |
14816 | Contaminated Bacillus cereus in Lao and Thai fermented soybean "Tua Nao" | Bacillus cereus; fermented soybean; food poisoning, RAPD-PCR | Inatsu, Yasuhiro; Chotiko, Arranee; Ananchaipattana, Chiraporn |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6773 | Contamination of salmonella in chicken and pork products. | salmonella chicken meat pork products | Sumalee Boonmar; Nopharat Marnrim; Srirat Pornruangwong; Aroon Bangtrakulnonth |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13008 | Contemporary issues in food supply chain management | supply chain, food security, sustainability, resilience, food production, nanotechnology | purch |
1904 | Contemporary marketing strategy in the Philippine setting. | marketing business industry scanning competition SWOT analysis market segmentation product positioning market strategies product life cycle | Go, Josiah |
book |
1475 | Contemporary marketing strategy in the Philippine setting. | marketing key result areas vision and mission industry analysis competition success SWOT analysis product positioning consumers product life cycle market segmentation market potential | Go, Josiah |
book |