ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9953 | Cooperatives. | cooperatives government credit cooperatives Articles of Cooperation bylaws forms consumers' cooperatives service cooperatives agrarian reform community development | Fajardo, F.R.; Abella, F.P. |
purch |
10220 | Cooperatives. | cooperative societies membership administration rights responsibilities dissolution capital audit net surplus funds | Garcia, Gil Y.; Guanzon, Marie Anne N. |
purch |
1867 | Cooperatives: Issues and trends in developing countries : Report of a workshop held in Perth, 24-25 March 2003. | cooperatives dairy cooperatives contract farming agribusiness China India Indonesia | Trewin, R. (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 53 |
1765 | Coping against El Nino for stabilizing rainfed agriculture : Lessons from Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of a joint workshop held in Cebu, the Philippines, September 17-19, 2002. | climate variability plant production El niño climate change coping strategies Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Philippines Papua New Guinea | book | cgprt centre monograph no. 43 |
3242 | Coping with change: charting a course for tomorrow's research careers | Research | Sawyer, R.L. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
6316 | Coping with chemical processes in the soil with MOET(Minus One Element Technique). | soil sorjan plots soil reactions soil pH | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15787 | Coping with climatic stress in Eastern India: Farmer adoption of stress-tolerant rice varieties | double hurdle; risk and time preference; stress tolerant rice variety | Mehar, Mamta; Subash, Surendaran Padmaja; Prasad, Narayan |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
1180 | Coping with El Niño, 1998: An investigation in the upland community of Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines. | land use gross returns income coping mechanisms land markets | Rola, A.C.; Tabien, C.O.; Bagares, I.B. |
book | working paper no. 99-03 |
15982 | Coping with extreme climatic events: Stories of resiliency in the Philippines | climate change; resiliency; Philippines; CCA | Concepcion, Rogelio N.; Espaldon, Maria Victoria O.; Lewicki-Dhainaut, Sylvie; Dedicatoria, Ranell Martin M.; Abucay, Edwin R. |
serials | searca agriculture and development notes 2011 1-4 |
11156 | Coping with lactose intolerance: reprinted from Food Insight, Nov/Dec 1996. | food allergy lactose intolerance enzyme gastrointestinal symptoms anaphylaxis calcium | biotech |